Author Topic: Mobile shotgun build  (Read 4836 times)


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Mobile shotgun build
« on: November 18, 2021, 10:34:41 pm »
Sup, I came might with a build which may or may not be shit.
The idea: get in everyone's face and give 'em a good ole 12 gauge. Sprint and grenades as ranged options. Skill points are more-or-less and not precise values
So far my concerns are:
  • Escape Artist looks really good but requires points in Dodge; besides that, what do I do vs immobilizing effects?
  • Where do I put the remaining 3 base points? Con for HP, Agi for movement+evasion, Str+Armor Sloping to run around in heavy armor lmao
  • What do I spec?
  • Is my build indeed shit? Will it do fine in at least normal?(tbh hoping to play it in higher difficulties)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 10:46:34 pm by BCEMCACATb »


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Re: Mobile shotgun build
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2021, 05:07:15 am »
If you want shotguns only, skip aimed shot and ambush, as they do not work with shotguns.
Take Sixth shell and Leading shot as early as possible.
Other than that I think it could do okay on normal. Could bump up str to 8 for super steel, if you want to run around in metal armor, and have int at 6 indeed for armor sloping. Maybe nimble too, for even less penalty. Psi empathy -> temporal manipulation to mix in ptcontraction for 'haste' is solid too, as it bypasses any movement penalties for the while it is active (just like sprint does). Might as well take psycho temporal acceleration feat in that case too.


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Re: Mobile shotgun build
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2021, 11:19:41 pm »
I wanted to ask about a build of mine I was elaborating for my next playthrough. Since the title of this thread pretty much describe it, I may as well post it here. Hopefully it won't bother the OP, it might also give him ideas.

It's based on blitz and by endgame on expert sprint...  1st turn use Blitz then double haste (PTC and adrenaline) for 110 AP, with XM short tyranny on each hands and Full Auto, you can fire twice with one, recharge it, on the next turn with expert sprint we would still have 100 AP and be able to burst twice switching between hands. Stasis can't really improve things here, though (without Premeditation) except maybe for an additional turn with one burst and one normal shot.

It doesn't make use of Leading Shot, since the idea is to Hit at blank point and run.

It also has huge Dodge and Evasion and mobility. I wonder if it needs more crit chances? I'm not used to shottys...

Nota: obviously it's made thinking of Classic XP mod to reach level 28 before too long and actually enjoy the achieved build.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2021, 12:06:38 am by Richter »


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Re: Mobile shotgun build
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2021, 10:13:16 pm »
I was playing around a kind of similar idea at some point, where the fantasy was to shoot six times in a turn with a single shot shotgun.
Honestly, I never really liked the way it turned out. Yeah there is a huge overkill with pellets critting and everything getting shred to bits, but stat wise it was tedious to build.
I would probably recommend not going over 6 agi with shotty, and regardless of not always wanting to benefit from leading shot, it is still worth it when you need to bump up the odds. So that puts pressure on getting 5 dex.
On paper the ideas are fun, but in practice, I never really found much use for Blitz and Hit and Run.
Crit is good for shotguns though. Crit and stacking Per is probably the way to go. Travel light, and tactically use sprint and ptc and it is all good...yeah.
Cannot recommend burst fire with shotguns. Different story if personal rules allow unlimited carry weight. Then it might actually be kinda fun :)

Now all that gave me a really dumb idea, for ironman run, and I am not even thinking it through, but what if:
10(18)/5/6/10/3/3/3 -> versa synergized shotty bursting tin can. Hmmmm... could carry those 4000 shells, easily :)
oh wait, would need Int of 5 :) Well, it could be a sledge/shotty hybrid :D
But, anyway, something like maybe 10(18)/3/6/10/3/3/5, or 8(16)/5/6/10/3/3/5
« Last Edit: December 16, 2021, 11:12:21 pm by Niko »


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Re: Mobile shotgun build
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2021, 02:59:32 pm »
Max Str and Melee versatility seems pleasant in theory though I've never tried.

Hulksaurus did just that, he used shotguns and spears and put 6 point in Int for both Armor Sloping and Premeditation. With Nimble and Bodyweight training, the mobility is more than OK for an armored PC. It needs Super Steel, though.


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Re: Mobile shotgun build
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2021, 02:49:30 pm »
I got stuck with these ideas here...and sorry for kinda hijacking or adding to the post when it does not really answer any question, except what is a quirky way to build a mobile shotty.
I had something of yours Richter and wanted to combine it with STR and Versa,
so I ended up with a girl who kicks people in the junk and wears Rathound Regalia for most of the game, and prefers boot springs under those metal striders.
She is fast af, and can relocate midfight very, very decently. She has evasion too. Plus she can carry ALL those shells, so that is covered.
So there you go, extremely mobile Dirty Kick / Burst Shotty - Strong-woman style :)

Dirty Kick is stupidly fun  :P
« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 11:25:32 am by Niko »