Author Topic: weapon mods, parts.  (Read 2308 times)


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weapon mods, parts.
« on: April 03, 2014, 06:33:34 pm »
I had a few ideas on parts to make things more interesting.

Elemental barrels: Add a small portion of other damage to a weapon.

Plasma fussing inducing barrel chamber: turns you bullets to plasma.

other unique  barrels

time: slows down the bullets so they can penetrate velocity shields.

dimensional: to penetrate phasing shields.

Splatter: changes the dynamic nature of the bullets making them act as a liquid temporally and causing the to splatter all over.

Spread X barrels: shoots a number of bullets in a horizontal patter that is determined by the number of barrels X.

space bending:  lets oyu make imossible shots but also is need to penetrate certain armors

bullet types

Homing: seeks target and that target only.

Hornet: bullets linger in the air for a short time, attacking targets that enter their proximity.

Ricochet: they bounce around the room,

Hand grenade:

teleportation: teleports its self to you enemy's location.

Inferred Homing: the grenade has a good chance of seeking out a living target

Intelligent Homing: it seeks your chosen target.

Bouncing: it can bounce a number of times before exploding.

Gravity: sucks enemy closer to its position, before exploding.

Floating: it hangs in the air, ignore objects in its path. glides in a strait line, not lobbing like normal ones.

Flying: can head around corners.

Flying zigzag: goes all over in a attempt to stick a target at comple random.

boomerang: it explodes then comes back to your postion to expode again.

Ricochet shrapnel: the shrapnel has a chance of doing extra damige.

flaming Barricade: creates a short flaming barricade, a fire wall

Biting: like a sticky grenade, also causes bleeding.

sticky: throwing it at an enemy will cuase it to stick, so that enemy is a watking time bomb. a creature such as a dog wont be able to remove it.

lava: a fire liquid fountains out each turn phase and progressively fills the area.

glacier: creates a ice barrier that will explode after designated turns.

tundra: turns the ground to ice
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 06:35:40 pm by nuclearage »


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Re: weapon mods, parts.
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2014, 03:05:10 am »
I was reading about Loadout, (which is kinda borderlands meets team fortress),
which seems to just revolve around changing weapons and projectile behaviors: when I wrote this.


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Re: weapon mods, parts.
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2014, 08:15:13 pm »
a grenade barrel could work on machine guns, the graphic wouldn't have to be altered for the gun or a firing animation, just re-use the grenade explosion animation. you might need a second ammo bar, for grenade rounds.