Author Topic: Revert damage taken modifier change  (Read 1192 times)

Hammer Wizard

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Revert damage taken modifier change
« on: February 07, 2022, 08:45:13 pm »
While I get that running around with 0% damage reduction was broken, setting the minimum at 10% will unironically neuter builds that relied stacking it, and it completely ruined my stoic ancient rathound berserker, and I'm not the only one.
My suggestion is reducing the minimum to 5% or less, this thematically would be on line with mech DR being at 95%, because as it is right now there's no point on playing damage stacking builds anymore.
Also this nerfs stoicism really badly. Stop nerfing tanks, tank life is hard as it is and we dont need this game to be a 3 CONlet glass cannon alpha strking central.


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Re: Revert damage taken modifier change
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2022, 08:52:20 pm »
I concur. I think the cap should be at 5%. 10% is just an odd exception to the unspoken "5%" cap rule. wether it's the max hit chance or the max mechanical resistance.


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Re: Revert damage taken modifier change
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2022, 08:57:17 pm »
Agreed. Defense heavy builds are the minority in the Underrail community. It seems odd to punish a small group who take advantage of the limited options that are available. The limited options that also all require heavy investment. You can’t half ass tanking or evasion tanking. There’s a massive trade to withstand heavy damage for long periods of time. It’s hardly a trade for glass cannons since alpha strikes rarely mean their low health comes into play. 20 health or 1000 matters not to a character who can clear a room in a turn or (2) if they have stasis.

Don’t discourage people from venturing out of the conventional glass cannon mentality that is so prominent.


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Re: Revert damage taken modifier change
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2022, 09:01:17 pm »
Agreed, the 100% mech resist wasn't even easy to hit and required a dedicated build to be even able to do. It kinda just sucks to see cool tank builds get kneecapped for no reason.