Author Topic: Looking to get back into the game. Would my pure sniper build still work.  (Read 2983 times)


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Hello! I decided to pick up the game again after I found out that you can now refurbish unique weapons.  :D I used to play a pure sniper build equipped with Dragunov and an AFW and was wondering if the build I was using would still work or if there's anything I can improve with it.

My character is currently at Level 27 so there's some leftover points. It's a stealth sniper with some throwing and traps, and I still want to use the Dragunov and AFW as my main weapons.

So some clarifications: My character's strength is at 6 because I was planning to switch the AFW with the Black Arrow, but I don't think I'm going to pick it up anymore since the refurbished one apparently dazes the user. I might put the remaining stat on Agility.

So, regarding the crafting. I think I set my stats like these just so I can craft some nice tabis/goggles, ammo and explosives, but I generally only used unique headgear/armor.

My character's main gear was the Coretech Tactical Respirator + Gray Spec Ops Armor. I planned to get these specifically for the minimal armor penalty since I wanted tp get the bonus from nimble. However, I'm reconsidering this now since I know I can get better bonuses from crafted goggles/armor, and I also don't know if the bonus from nimble is worth it.

So for a new playthrough, I'd still like to use the Dragunov and AFW, but I'd like some input such as if I should take certain feats instead or if I should invest more in crafting stats for better goggles/armor.

Thank you in advance!  :)

(I've attached a screenshot of my build as I can't post the link)


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Refurbished weapons are okay but on higher levels you are better with crafted weapons. Same with armor and headwear. Seeker Goggles give you a very big crit chance boost so it's hard to pass them up on character who uses guns.
You can skip Nimble if you want, the dodge bonus is quite weak unless you put all points in dodge/evasion.
Opportunist is not that useful for sniper rifles since you already one shot majority of enemies.
With your high Perception you won't probably need detection bonus from paranoia, so if you want the bonus initiative you can take Trigger Happy isntead.
If you keep Nimble, dodge and go for 8 AGI you can take Uncanny Dodge feat to get a bit of leverage in case a melee enemy gets too close to you.
Other feats of note are Recklessness, Hit and Run and Three-Pointer(requires 7 DEX).
If you want you can go with almost no crafting and use only unique items but you will be noticeably weaker. On difficulties below Dominating this however shouldn't matter a lot, so if you are interested in only unique weapons/armor character, feel free to go for it.
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