Author Topic: My Jack of All Trades  (Read 2427 times)


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My Jack of All Trades
« on: January 04, 2024, 01:21:38 am »
Hello everyone, just wanted to share my build and maybe receive some opinions on how it can be improved or what is it that you good fellows think works, specially since I'm thinking about getting Heavy Duty real soon and playing the game once more. It's supposed to be a stealth-dagger build (primarily) with a little energy pistol gunslinging for armored enemies, psychokinesis and some crafting. I generally play this build on normal.

Thanks for your contributions and lemme know what you like and don't like.

Edit: Here's the link
« Last Edit: January 04, 2024, 01:46:09 am by Highwayman667 »
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Re: My Jack of All Trades
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2024, 02:55:10 am »
This build is gonna make it quite hard for completing heavy duty. I would recommend only focusing on two of those three things you wanted to do but it's still playable you'll just have a bit more trouble. It is possible to play like this but you'd have much more success of maxing dexterity instead of splitting it between int agi and dex, with feats ambush is very good if you want to use energy pistol as it pairs well with critical power. I would also recommend using your spec points into versatility as it will buff your guns a lot more. I would also buff your stealth. I made a couple of changes to your build but tried to keep it as close to original as possible. Here's the link:

What I changed:
I dropped points in Int, Con, and Agi, and gave +1 perception and maxed out your dex. Dex increases your chance to hit and lowers the AP cost of your attacks so more higher accuracy attacks, the perception boost is so you can reach 6 and take the ambush feat, I lowered int by a couple of points since you don't have the "High technicalities" feat having int super high doesn't help very much. I lowered con because the difference between 3 and five con while can save your life isn't worth not being able to have two extra points in dex, if you like being a bit tankier feel free to put them back. The Agi drop was again because while it's good to have it's better having it in dex, I also took a feat to make up for the less movement.

Skill point wise I made a few changes but nothing insane; Since your dex is higher now I dropped the amount of points in lockpicking and throwing, you'll get the same results but now there's more points to spend. I dropped your skill in Psychokinesis and persuasion a little, and put the remaining points into mercantile and stealth. The better stealth is to trigger ambush more so you can have more fun with the energy pistols and the mercantile makes everything in the game cheaper and unlocks higher quality goods you'll need late game, if you don't care about crafting you can put those points back into persuasion or dodge/evasion. Overall Psychokinesis isn't gonna be that helpful in a knife/energy build but since you wanted it I left it in. My recommendation for the next build would be try temporal manipulation as it gives you basically adrenaline+ and some other VERY useful skills. The other thing is try out tailoring as since you're probably gonna be using leathers it's very helpful it also makes Tabis which help out basically every melee build, and late game you can infuse leathers with super steel to provide powerful effects namely for you the infused siphoned leather which greatly boosts evasion and the infused rathound leather which increases critical chance.

For feats I have swapped a few out to give you a better early and late game:
I've swapped Paranoia for Sprint, Paranoia is good for the +5 initiative but you can just drink a root soda instead for the same results, Whilst sprint gives you almost double movement for two turns making it a staple in basically every build especially melee builds.
I've swapped Psychostatic electricity for expose weakness, Whilst Psychostatic is kinda fun you can just put a polariser on your energy guns for similar results and it's not really worth taking this feat unless your entire build is focused around just electrokesis. However expose weakness is a very useful skill with knives as it lowers the enemies armour for two (three with spec) turns letting you deal with robots or armoured enemies a little easier.
I've swapped cut throat with quick tinkering, cut throat is just very hard to setup, quick tinkering is pretty useful since your trap score is so high never underestimate being able to spawn a bear trap mid combat.
And finally I've swapped Strider for Ambush, since no more 10 agi strider isn't available and ambush is one of the best feats in the game and turns energy pistols into praying for crits to critting every time in the right environment.

Yeah so a lot of text in case you're interested in what the changes are but overall I mostly tried to keep your build in tact but I've tried to make it more powerful. You could swap out more feats and optimise the skills more but this should be fine. Every build is basically viable for normal if you use your tools correctly anyway. Hope you have fun with heavy Duty!


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Re: My Jack of All Trades
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2024, 01:32:54 pm »
Thanks Goblingeneral12, I don't mind at all that it's a long post and I find your observations very interesting. I always wanted to place ambush but I was a little afraid the right conditions might not trigger with the build. I'll deffinitely consider everything you've pointed out so far.
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Re: My Jack of All Trades
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2024, 02:36:13 pm »
Molotov cocktails and flairs help trigger Ambush and most of the underground is dark


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Re: My Jack of All Trades
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2024, 03:48:13 pm »
How about this one ? I decided to switch some stuff and take into consideration your recommendations:
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura is the best RPG of all time :)


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Re: My Jack of All Trades
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2024, 01:15:56 am »
Looking good 👍, while not technically "optimised" for normal and even hard you're gonna be pretty alright with this build! You could in theory get infused rat hound leather armour to get higher crit chance to swap out your spec points for versatility if you want to be more accurate. But overall good build might need some black cloth tabi's to activate ambush consistently though, hope you have fun with it!