Author Topic: Two crafting bugs & Vanishing Powder Grenade  (Read 925 times)

Albert Altmann

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Two crafting bugs & Vanishing Powder Grenade
« on: June 27, 2024, 10:59:25 am »
1) Hyperallergenic can be used in bear trap, throwing knife and caltrops blueprints, though only to produce ordinary versions of said paraphernalia without any additional effects.

2) High Explosive & Frag Grenade crafting bug: when crafting a MK4 grenade of each variety, putting Hexogen in the second slot and T.N.T. in the first changes the Chemistry requirement from the intended 69 to 112, same as MK5.
Still produces a normal MK4 nade that way, unfortunately.

3) Stealth gained from using Vanishing Powder Grenade is immediately removed once said utility is unequipped or replaced with another item from inventory; moving the grenade between the utility slots doesn’t affect Stealth gained from it in any way.
I assume that VP Grenade somehow counts as a separate stealth skill, so removing it makes the stealth granted by it disappear as well.

Bonus Dirty Kick segment ahead, proceed at own risk:

a) DK interacts with Combo by adding a countdown stack on a first or second attack, but deals no bonus damage on the final hit, effectively wasting the third empowered attack. I reckon it should function as an ordinary unarmed attack in all instances, or none at all.

b) DK has a static chance to crit, most likely 5%, same as Unarmed’s base chance. I kicked a rathound in the nuts about 20 to 30 times and only saw a single crit, which should be, I daresay, rather improbable at 80% chance to crit with ordinary unarmed hits. I’m guessing the same reasoning that restricts Dirty Kick’s critical damage bonus to 100% is in play here; however, I refuse to understand why these static values should be in place, lest forced by the game's internal limitations.

c) DK (allegedly) does not benefit from Improved Unarmed and Expert Unarmed feats. I only tested that hypothesis with the first feat, but nonetheless the damage dealt remained within the range stated in the ability’s description, completely ignoring the 20% modifier. No number of crushed rathound balls could elicit the slightest increase in damage from the feat, in contrast with ordinary fists being thrown around.

Basically, Dirty Kick is described as a special unarmed attack yet in many ways feels more like a combat utility such as a Taser, and looking at the related patch history - especially how it used to bypass Uncanny Dodge - it must have been pretty much a combat utility masquerading as an ability, similarly to the Vanishing Powder Grenade functioning as an ability despite being a combat utility (provided I’m anywhere near the truth of how these things actually work internally).
Dirty Kick appears to be stuck in some sort of quantum superposition of being and not being an unarmed attack at the same time, as its damage is derived from Unarmed yet doesn’t benefit either critical chance or critical damage modifiers; it interacts with two hits in Combo’s sequence and grants Taste of Blood stacks on hit (Collar of Misery does as well, working as a proper melee touch attack it is stated to be) and kill alike, yet wastes the third hit’s bonus and ignores Improved/Expert Unarmed feats; it doesn’t not seem to benefit from the special attack bonus provided by ZC 99 and smart pistols either, despite such weapons uniquely mentioning special melee attacks (of which only two that could be launched with a ranged weapon equipped exist, the other one being Shield Bash, though I have no empirical knowledge whether that ability is as problematic as Dirty Kick).

Looking at the related patch history I could tell that Dirty Kick’s conflicting nature stems from some bottomless eldritch well of fundamental issues with the code, which makes me question if these issues could be resolved at all at this point. I’m hoping that these faults will at least be ironed out for Infusion, so long as Dirty Kick is to make a comeback for me to bust at full power and without restraint.


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Re: Two crafting bugs & Vanishing Powder Grenade
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2024, 05:54:36 pm »
2) High Explosive & Frag Grenade crafting bug: when crafting a MK4 grenade of each variety, putting Hexogen in the second slot and T.N.T. in the first changes the Chemistry requirement from the intended 69 to 112, same as MK5.
Still produces a normal MK4 nade that way, unfortunately.
This is a known issue but it doesn't seem to have a simple solution (or it's intentional)
DK has a static chance to crit, most likely 5%, same as Unarmed’s base chance. I kicked a rathound in the nuts about 20 to 30 times and only saw a single crit, which should be, I daresay, rather improbable at 80% chance to crit with ordinary unarmed hits. I’m guessing the same reasoning that restricts Dirty Kick’s critical damage bonus to 100% is in play here; however, I refuse to understand why these static values should be in place, lest forced by the game's internal limitations.
All 'Generic' special attacks (that aren't part of any specific weapon category) use 5% crit chance and 100 crit damage bonus. This is also the case with Shield Bash and some other attacks. Whether it makes sense since Dirty Kick works in some way as unarmed attack is another matter, but this is why it is like this.
it doesn’t not seem to benefit from the special attack bonus provided by ZC 99 and smart pistols either, despite such weapons uniquely mentioning special melee attacks (of which only two that could be launched with a ranged weapon equipped exist, the other one being Shield Bash, though I have no empirical knowledge whether that ability is as problematic as Dirty Kick).
Smart Module doesn't work at all with melee special attacks. This has been reported and acknowledged as a description bug but I don't remember if it was finally fixed or not.

The code of Dirty Kick (and Vanishing Powder) is quite convoluted so it might be indeed quite difficult to find a fix for all of this. In the past, using Dirty Kick even used up durability of a weapon held by the player but that was thankfully fixed so maybe  some of these issues will be resolved (hopefully).
« Last Edit: June 27, 2024, 06:00:43 pm by PaposikG6 »
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Albert Altmann

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Re: Two crafting bugs & Vanishing Powder Grenade
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2024, 01:07:09 am »
I knew I must have seen that grenade crafting bug before, thanks for elaborating on that and Dirty Kick's obscure scuffed standing.


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Re: Two crafting bugs & Vanishing Powder Grenade
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2024, 09:39:06 am »
The obvious solution to the hyperallergenic crafting bug is to add Hyperallergenic Bear Traps, Caltrops and Throwing Knives to the game #MakeItHappen
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Re: Two crafting bugs & Vanishing Powder Grenade
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2024, 01:40:33 pm »
1. Fixed

2. Intended, slots always matter

3. Fixed... this utility is CURSED!

4. TL;DR / it is what it is