Author Topic: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can  (Read 8624 times)

Der Zooner

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Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« on: May 13, 2023, 08:43:31 pm »
After having played through the game a few times with the best melee weapon, bare fists, I have refined my ultimate pugilist. Mobility, defence, offence, crowd control, it has it all - check it out.

Build Philosophy

I didn't start out looking to make an all-round effective build, it just came together naturally from the starting point of wanting to use bleeds and Taste for Blood.
Naturally, a suit of bladed metal armour was the means to accomplish this task.
At endgame, I realized that I would be able to create a suit of bladed regenerative super steel armour with 66% damage resistance whilst still retaining the AP reduction from Lightning Punches.
Low armour penalty would make dodge and evasion viable, which in turn would make the character pretty tanky in combination with the resistances from the metal armour and his tabis and health regen added on top.
Using metal armour would eat up feat slots and make boosting crit chance via infused rathound armour impossible, so I decided to forget about crits and boost unconditional, non-crit damage as high as possible through feats and specialization.
4 AP attacks and the multitude of on-hit status effect options available to bare fisted fighters (daze, stun, incapacitation, fear) meant that boosting the chance of inflicting status effects via specialization allowed me to reliably disable large groups of enemies one way or another and block choke points with disabled foes for as long as they could take a beating.
Before I get onto the last part of this section, I'll list the endgame gear of the build to give a clear picture of what you're working with.

Head: Tchortist Bioscrubber/Death's Grin - Boost healing, health, bio resistance + reduction and Brutality, respectively.

Body: Bladed Regenerative Super Steel Armour/Rathound Regalia - Metal armour decently boosts fire/energy resistance on top of aforementioned benefits.
Rathound Regalia for dealing the maximum damage possible to take down Nagas.

Belt: Serpent Slaying Sash - Unfortunately RNG-based but provides good boost to bio reduction and vital initiative.

Feet: Infused Greater Siphoner/Black Cloth Tabis - Infused greater siphoner tabis are almost always the best choice, providing lots of dodge/evasion, slowing effect immunity (more versatile than you might think), AP reduction and additional fire/energy resistance and uses leather available in very high quality.
Black cloth for sneaking, obviously.

Utilities: Taser and whatever else you fancy. Molotovs are always nice.

Weapons (main hand): Your mitts

Weapons (off hand): Kukri for applying Expose Weakness (EW) against those pesky robots, spear for bladelings, cuttlesnails and stabbing enemies caught behind choke points, Quake for dazing crowds.

Finally, there was the question of the bane of all unarmed builds: robots.
EW is always handy, but limited in Lemurian robot swarms.
Luckily, at high levels, the build deals such high base damage that it can even punch through the damage threshold of strongmen fairly reliably.
Handmaidens are taken down in 2-3 turns without any DR/DT reducing effects having been applied to them.
On top of this, the build has the survivability to whittle down crowds of robots whilst taking constant hits and waiting for EW to come off of cooldown and trying to weaken them with your kukri.

Videos of the build in action. I wouldn't recommend watching them all the way through as they're long and I managed both runs on my first attempt so they weren't very well planned out. They're more a proof of concept than anything else.

Grey Army Base being cleaned out, no reloads and no psi.
I'd say that the best part is 1:00 to 1:30, which demonstrates the amount of crowd control potential the build has.

Fort Apogee being cleaned out, with minimal psi cheese and no reloads (and 20 seconds of dead air at the start).
At roughly 0:50 and 19:40 my 3 CON character tanks plasma pistol crits, it's a pretty good demo of how good the combo of infused siphoner tabis and super steel armour is.

What about Wrestling?

Since I first made this build, I have come to the realization that Wrestling is a bloody good feat. Unfortunately, the build is very tight on feat choice and the only ones I'd be willing to switch out are Escape Artist and Yell. I'd still recommend taking Wrestling instead of Yell and putting spec points into Wrestling at the cost of unarmed combat daze chance and cheap shots incapacitation chance, as tackled stacks function as a superior version of daze anyway.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2023, 08:59:19 am by Der Zooner »


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2023, 09:41:49 pm »
What about vile weaponry? Why you didn't used this feat?


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2023, 09:35:23 pm »
Good job - a solid build - make me want to starting a new Underrail run.


Lightning punches need armor penalty at or below 20% meaning it'll kick in at 19%, with Nimble that's 34%. With Armor Sloping and its spec 2/2 regen vest super steel armor with a Tichrome blade is sitting at 35%, which is just 1% over. I think it'll probably be better to take 1 or 2 spec points from Improved Unarmed Combat: Daze chance and put them to Lightning punches instead.

If you get Body Weight Training you can add 2 additional spikes for extra damage or 1 additional SS plate. On the other hand, if you skip this feat that'll free up a feat slot. I think skipping this feat would probably be the optimal choice, probably take blindsiding instead.

Not a fan of Yell and Brutality + Intimidation combo - I would replace them all with Sure Step + caltrops, freeing up lot of skill points; bonus: caltrops would work on non-organic too.

I think Daze and Wrestling debuff are overrated. If you take Wrestling you might as well just take Bone Breaker instead.

Der Zooner

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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2023, 03:28:16 pm »
>What about vile weaponry? Why you didn't used this feat?

I'd like to, but as I said, this build really doesn't have a lot of wiggle room for feats and vile weaponry just isn't good enough. You'll likely get your first decent suit of metal armour at around level 16-20, so it won't be of much use up to that point and the build doesn't struggle to kill/crowd control organic foes at any rate. Sometimes, it can be an advantage to do less damage to organics too, though only in limited situations.

I don't particularly have any issues with Destroyor's comments, I might disagree with some of the changes suggested but it's mostly down to personal preference whether you want to be a bit more tanky or a bit more powerful, with my choice of Body Weight Training over Blindsiding erring on the side of survivability in extended fights.
I wouldn't take Bone Breaker simply due to low crit chance, as the build completely ignores crits (they're nice, but can be missed).
Caltrops are fine too, I just don't like them.


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2023, 01:19:52 pm »
Do you have the video of The Beast fight? At what level did you fought it? What was your strategy?

Reached level 20 yesterday, pretty solid build

Der Zooner

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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2023, 08:28:09 pm »
I never filmed the Beast fight because it wasn't really representative of the build; reason being is that I used a spear against the bladelings.
Obviously you can always spam bear traps and gas grenades, but as long as you have a good spear it's not really necessary due to a spear's ability to ignore damage resistance.
Usually I fight it around level 16-18, I get a guaranteed high-quality tungsten steel plate from the Lost Vault to craft the most powerful spear possible, then poke away at the bladelings as they come.
If I need a bit of extra MP to run away from them, I switch to my fists and hit them a few times to get bonus MP from Fancy Footwork.
Just poke, poke, poke; kite, kite, kite until they're dead.


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2023, 02:12:19 am »
Unarmed based crit chance = 5%
Focus Stim = 15%
Hardcore chips = 5%
Crit chance from 12 DEX = 7%

Total crit chance = 32%

@4AP per punch bone breaker proc chance is actually pretty good, especially against Boss mob on Dominating, same thing w/ Vile weaponry.

Lastly strongly agree this is really down to personal preference. I prefer to kill things as quickly as possible (drop dodge to 40 to put points in Bio, etc) as Underrail strongly rewards offence over defense. But increase defense w/ better armor + dodge/evasion + shield would work too.


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2023, 01:19:36 am »
Just finished a classic dominating game w/ a modified version of OP's build:

- As I suspected Force Emission is not needed nor, imho, optimal for bare fist build
- Build struggle hard during the early game, than became strong in most fights once you have bladed metal armor + 4AP punch + Tfb (+50% damage at max stack). However, this build is frustrating weak in fights against non-organic (robots - you are better off using shocked Tichrome sledgehammer + lifting belt) and on Jetski (you are better off using TiChrome Spear).
- Overall I would say any type of bare fist build is not for new players and should be treated as a gimmick/self-challenge build.


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2023, 06:50:10 pm »
Incredible build! I've played pure dodge variation and 10 const tanky variation, and both felt a bit off. But thisone takes best from the both worlds. One question thhough, how in the world doyou get through depot A on DOMINATING with this. Between acid dogs andplasma turrets it feels plain impossible

Der Zooner

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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2023, 08:43:07 am »
Depot A can be cheesed in a variety of ways.
Hacking is a good skill to set aside 60 points for, which makes the Depot a cakewalk if you simply avoid combat with the acid dogs and mutants.
If you want to fight them, find a chokepoint to keep them incapacitated at, use siphoner leather armour and a spear to hit past the enemy blocking the chokepoint.
Muties and normal dogs are trivial enough to take out as long as you have a decent tac vest.
Spears are easy to craft if you need the reach and damage to punch through the armour of robots, or if you are lucky you might be able to buy a javelin off of a merchant.
The build's ability to crowd control allows you to beat a lot of fights that other builds can't, so you can farm a little extra experience from enemies like the warthogs in the caves if you're still coming up short.


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2025, 07:00:50 am »
Hello, could you make a printscreen of the build, I can't open the page with the builder.Thanks


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2025, 07:10:29 pm »
Hello, could you make a printscreen of the build, I can't open the page with the builder.Thanks

I seem to be able to open OP's build in the builder. Here's a screenshot of it if that's what you wanted.


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Re: Unarmed Nimble Tin Can
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2025, 08:52:32 pm »
Thanks a lot!