Author Topic: Safe houses/storage areas  (Read 5347 times)


  • Zoner
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Safe houses/storage areas
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:06:39 pm »
It'd be nice to be able to buy/rent/earn places to stash your gear in places other than your room in SGS. In elder scrolls style games finding cool home bases and laying all my stuff out carefully was a lot of fun, although engine limitations and the fact that you can craft anywhere kind of removes most of the benefit/need for that kind of thing, but having safe storage spots and a place that's "Yours" might be cool, although not a priority.


  • Zoner
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Re: Safe houses/storage areas
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2015, 07:07:01 pm »
Given how the game currently works, pretty much everywhere counts as a safehouse once you cleared it out? Other than the 'red' private containers I suppose in towns, but even then, that won't matter if its an empty residence/you cleared out the previous ones. I was similarly hoping for though that we would get some more kind of uh.... options ot hang something on a wall, or something, at our SGS place at least. 

There is really nothing stopping you from moving into any of the hideouts or stuff you dig up in the game as is, other than moving all what you got at SGS to there.  The reason why SGS is default by common sense, as it has easy access to healing, and several vendors covering a wide variety.  Early game, important. Late game, you easily need higher quality things than SGS generally provides, and living in any other base is only a matter of 'how far is too far for me to walk back and forth to my new home with crafting supplies/loot.'  SGS and your present home, as is, is a very short train trip to almost anywhere atop of barge access and a safe way down to lower cavern stuff.

...Which is why I wish your apartment, or you could PICK which one in the dorms you wanted, got some kind of love.  As is, only thing I can really do is lock the room after I leave (which I actually do, because mah immersionnnnn) and organize your containers of items.