Author Topic: Super Soldier Drug?  (Read 2835 times)


  • Zoner
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Super Soldier Drug?
« on: March 06, 2016, 10:17:05 pm »
I remember getting the blueprint for this, but have not used it-  anybody have experience?


  • Zoner
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Re: Super Soldier Drug?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 06:54:47 pm »
By "experience" you mean how well it performs yes?

The super soldier drug is the PINNACLE of combat drugs all stats EXCEPT intelligence & will are increased by 2 points AND all combat skills increased by 20% and it lasts 2 turns if my memory doesn't fail me.
(combat is everything except PSI-related stuff)

Basically it's the 'best combat drug' you can get as a non-psi user, however it does require you have 130 in biology and get some of the more 'difficult' materials to make this wonderful drug.

In short all you need to worry about is catching "Ghostface" fish which you can get from the lake(?) in the deep caverns even with a character of 3 dex, might not be as easy as with a character with 16 dex but that's a given, point is it is NOT impossible to get ghostface fish with a low dex character thus making it possible to make said drug.
Although after going through the 'trouble' of catching the ghostface fish you'll need/want you WILL need the brain tumors(?) from Tchorts minions which well... can only be obtained by hunting them down in Tchort's 'realm', I for one would say the big bastards with claws and the bizarre things that vomits mutagen tumors aren't too bad to handle, it's the 'scanners' you need to squish before they get that nasty mental breakdown off and kill you in an instant. (on hard mode anyway..)

Lastly you should probably know that you'll not need more than 1-2 of these I reckon since they have a cooldown of 8 turns(?) unless you like to 'stock up' on the drug since after defeating Tchort you will NOT be able to get any more brain tumors which should be self-explanatory.

EDIT: OH! my personal experience with the drug is that it provides nothing less but 'wonders' and if I have the points in biology or can reach it with a +2 intelligence boost from junkyard surprises then I'll make it in a heartbeat!

Good hunting!
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 07:00:42 pm by X41823T »
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  • Zoner
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Re: Super Soldier Drug?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2016, 02:01:09 pm »
Brilliant reply - thanks, Mate!