Author Topic: Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic  (Read 5377 times)


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Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic
« on: May 16, 2016, 08:07:33 am »
I thought when you restealthed during combat, perhaps via a long CC or whatever, that you essentially reset the detection. However, it seems to be useless. If I approach a previously engaged enemy after restealthing, there is no detection check, they just automatically see through the stealth. Is there something I'm missing? In the various official sources I've read, it talks about restealthing via flashbangs or what have you as if it's a valid tactic.


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Re: Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2016, 10:22:37 am »
Incapacitation/freeze works for restealthing, stun/fear/anything else doesn't. Also, detection won't be completely reseted - it just drops to orange.

I know all the ways to re-stealth, but it doesn't seem to be resetting to orange. So far enemies are red the nanosecond I move back into sight. I even tried waiting a long time in stealth before re-engaging but no luck. I suppose it could be that the change from orange to red is so fast I can't detect it, but I haven't seen orange yet.


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Re: Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2016, 07:15:47 pm »
If enemy status starts with red right away then it means their detection skill (distance/illumination/angle also plays a role) vs your stealth skill surpassed a certain threshold where it's impossible for you to stealth/restealth.


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Re: Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2016, 09:42:29 pm »
If enemy status starts with red right away then it means their detection skill (distance/illumination/angle also plays a role) vs your stealth skill surpassed a certain threshold where it's impossible for you to stealth/restealth.

is it possible this was changed in a  recent patch? Anyone willing to test? Because I'm telling y'all, I can waltz around enemies without being detected for a very long time, right up to their face, but if I restealth there is zero, and I mean zero time before they engage. I'm talking using a macro to spam combat mode faster than a human finger can, and it doesn't matter, they will get initiative. No orange eye, just red->combat. And they get init in spite of my 12 AGI.


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Re: Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2016, 06:46:46 am »
I don't believe anything has been changed regarding restealthing but I could test it tonight and let you know if I notice anything weird.

I'm talking using a macro to spam combat mode faster than a human finger can

What? Why? You don't need to spam anything and that wouldn't even work.

I was just trying to test the mechanic, hitting combat mode as fast as possible in case I missed the orange eye. But there isn't one, the enter combat mode immediately regardless of how well stealthed I am. As in, a rathound or any other very low level mob still detects me immediately. If you can test this, that would be great.


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Re: Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2016, 05:10:53 pm »
You dont need to leave turn-based mode in order to restealth. Works the same as long as you have min 10 AP left but when you enter stealth all remaining AP and MP are gone for that turn, so ideally you first get distance using all your MP and AP (leaving 10 left) and restealth in the very same turn.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if the enemy detects or not like for the purpose of Snipe. As long as you remain in stealth mode you can use it if there is no cooldown on Snipe.


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Re: Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2016, 09:48:31 pm »
Well I'm just stumped then. Does leaving turn mode made them detect you automatically? I just don't know. I feel like there is something obvious I'm missing. Not once have I not been detected instantly after restealth. I guess I could try testing it with maxed stealth and see if it's just a question of having my stealth too low. Does the formula change when you restealth, as opposed to when you first encounter an enemy? Meaning, if I successfully get the drop on someone before they detect me, and then later I restealth and come back, is there a much higher chance of them detecting me at that point?

Edit: I am typically using LOS and tactics other than incapacitation to restealth, in case that matters.

PS: Thank you for testing this for me.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 09:54:25 pm by Hal900x »


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Re: Trying to figure out re-stealthing mechanic
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2016, 09:08:52 pm »
Don't thank me yet, we didn't figure out what's going on in your case. :P

If you manage to leave turn-based mode, that's a sure sign your restealth attempt succeeded. It means you left combat, therefore detection has dropped below red and no enemy knows where you are. If they didn't detect you automatically in the first place, they shouldn't detect you automatically afterwards. The stealth/detection formula does not change after being detected.

And vice versa - if you can't leave turn-based mode, that means an enemy knows where you are and that's keeping you locked in combat. (Well, enemies also drop aggro if they can't get to you within 4-5 turns, but that's a different thing)

The ability you are using to restealth matters a bit. There are two slightly different ways the incap/freeze effects allow restealthing.

Some effects drop detection to orange immediately, others require distance and time to slowly drop detection from full red eye. Naturally, the slow-acting effects are easier to use if they have long duration and range.

If you're using cryostasis, you should have easy time. It's one of the few immediate restealth abilities.

This could be a case of me not understanding the mechanics, so let me try to suss this out. So, if still turn-based, someone is detecting you. So let's use your example of Cryostasis. You are in combat, and you freeze an enemy. You stealth, then run around the corner out of LOS. But won't turn-based mode stay active for multiple rounds regardless? That's been my experience, that the stealth button may be available, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will clear aggro. Whenever I've done this, the turn-based mode stays active for multiple rounds, and since I get out of LOS asap, I never know if aggro is cleared or not. Are you saying that a successful stealth from all possible enemies will immediately drop out of turn-based mode in the next round?