As this is my first Iron Man playthrough, I went with a very min/max build. It seems like Knives is the most efficient build stat-wise, so I pumped Dex and Agi to 10, Int 6 for Weaponsmith, and 5 Con. The rest are at 3. I just realized one of my favorite Feats for melee, Ripper, requires 5 Will. I've just gotten to level 8, and have a choice to make: keep pumping Dex, or start working on Will for Ripper. According to my calculations, even with Eel Sandwich the highest I can get my Dex to is 17, please correct me if I'm off. That will not push me over into 6AP, so 2 points into Will won't gimp me in that respect. However, those two points could also be spent on Con for more health, Dex for more crit chance, or Int. Is Ripper worth it, esp. when combined with Critical Power? I'm under the belief that Crit is the way to go with Knives.
One thing that affects my decision is whether Critical Power stacks with Ripper when active. Which is factored in first?
EDIT: I think I was looking at the wrong Column. 17 Dex (with Sandwich) just pushes you into 7AP. So maybe I will just have to live without Ripper. There are a ton of other good feats.