Author Topic: Worthwhile Psi feats?  (Read 4903 times)


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Worthwhile Psi feats?
« on: July 25, 2019, 11:35:14 am »
Started a hecka healthy (SS: 10 Will, 10 Constitution, 8 Intelligence) Psion character, however I haven't made much use of Psionics before, so for the first several levels I've been pretty confident with Feat choices, but am becoming less sure when looking at the full pool.

Here's my character at the moment:

Beyond this are there any must-haves? I'm probably going to take Pyromaniac next but beyond that I'm pretty uncertain, I'm interested in Continuum Ripple but it seems like it really needs the Specialization to be worthwhile, and I'm unsure if it results in great crowd control ability or underwhelming and unreliable chip damage on big groups.


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Re: Worthwhile Psi feats?
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2019, 11:48:00 am »
Force User should be your next feat.  Push Pyromaniac to 10.  Pyromaniac is very good, but Force User is *almost* up there with the top two, Premeditation and Locus of Control.

You're using TM so you should have Psychotemporal Acceleration.  psi haste/psi slow is almost not worth using without that feat.  Future Orientation is nice but since LTI can't be made 1-turn, FO is no longer must-have, just very useful.

Continuum Ripple is great for silly stuff, but if you want to maximize your character power then it's definitely one that you skip.  Anything Continuum Ripple can do, ThermoD can do better. inb4 "CR is 100427.6% stornger vs robots ARGH" There are literally only two fights in the game where there are enough robots for a CR TD stack to make a lot of difference; both are optional.

Thermodynamicity.  By late game, you won't be running out of psi too much; you'll be running out of AP.  Do more per turn.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 11:56:41 am by TheAverageGortsby »