I've seen this game compared to the original Fallout game - which I never played but must have a look at now! However from my perspective the use of AP and turn based combat makes me think of the classic UFO games.
With that in mind I was wondering about various fire modes that UFO had - Aimed, snap and burst. Burst I have seen in the game for automatic weapons so that's fine. Snap I assume is the standard single normal shot for weapons but aimed appears as a guaranteed critical feat only inc a cooldown period. I think aimed shot should be a non-feat fire mode with higher AP cost and accuracy but with a normal critical chance. Anyone should be able to take a bit more time to aim to get a better hit chance. Keep the feat in as something like "Headshot" to give a guaranteed ciritcal on hit. This extra aimed mode would give increased strategy options (do you risk mising with a snap shot but have more shot attempts or have an aimed shot for better chances but less shots)
I also wondered whether there would be stances being introduced - stand, crouch, prone - for varying evasion/dodge and chance to hit?
Finally I think AP costs need looking at, particularly for crossbows. It looks like you can fire a pistol 3 times and a crossbow 2 times per comabt turn (roughly), however crossbows should be a lot slower IMO. I reckon you could easily fire off an entire clip from an automatic in the time it would take to fire a and reload a crossbow - the amount of effort required to pull the string back is significant and tme consuming. This would kind of make the crosbow a bit pointless unless it had mode stealth applications but i thought I'd mention it anyway!