Author Topic: Sledgehammer and Psychokinesis hybrid build, feats suggestions and others.  (Read 2228 times)

Hammer Wizard

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Metal armor, sledgehammer and pure psychokinesis build; also know as: hammer wizard

This is a somewhat rare build I figured out on my own with trial and error, lots of it, yet not many people play it, and I wish for more players to know it.
Now, psychokinesis is nowadays know as an 'utility psi school' (Force Field), and for Psi monks (Force Emission), but people seem to forget how well Psychokinesis scales on a sledge tin can build, specially with Corporeal Projection, due the boosting of STR, telekinetic abilities can become highly damaging, proxy punch combo turning into an one hit combo at range, while doing massive amounts of hurt  up close  with hammers. Lack of mobility is compensated by high CON, high resistances, psychokinesis range attacks, sprint and Force Field cover. It's a very 'turtly' build which I assume people that favour nimble builds won't find specially appealing, which I understand.

To the point, I wish to bring a spotlight to hammer wizard builds by suggesting new feats:

'Telekinetic boost'
Adds bonus mechanical damage to your sledgehammer attacks depending on your effective psychokinesis skills. Basically a hammer version of Force Emission.
At 0 psychokinesis effective skills add 15-30 damage per hammer attack
At 50 psychokinesis effective skills add 40-75 damage per hammer attack
At 100 psychokinesis efffective skills add 85-110 damage per hammer attack, etc
These are all example values and it's open for balancing

It's a toggled ability, like Force Emission.
Every boosted hammer attack would cost 10 Psi, making it a very hard hitting ability but it would burn through psi really fast, which is a good trade off.
When Telekinetic boost is on, the hammer head could glow bright purple, maybe leave a purple trail as it's being swung (aesthetic purpouse, because 'Rule of Cool')

'Telekinetic Slam'
Adds your effective psychokinesis skill as damage to your Super Slam attack. Added telekinetic slam damage can crit.
AP: 30
Psi cost: 50
Same cooldown as Super Slam, and both Super Slam and Telekinetic Slam could have shared cooldowns, if one is used, both enter in cooldown. Same cooldown duration as Super Slam.

Next, I propose a slight change for 'Telekinetic Undulation', which I personally find it underwhelming. Increasing the area of damage of moving Proxy by 1 tile in all directions will make it a mob mowing machine, excellent crowd control, much needed for this build.

Psychostatical electricity has it's uses, but it's fairly niche, it could probably add 2 more electrokinesis bounces, and give electrokinetic imprint a splash damage of 3x3 area for half damage done when triggered, enemies hit by the electric wave won't get stunned, just damaged, like some sort of EMP.

'Bashing' feat could increase sledgehammers stun chance by 15%

Force Field deserves it's own very thread which I wont touch that right now, so I will skip it.

Since it's on topic, I'd like to propose a new sledgehammer unique weapon: 'Thunderstorm'
Unique hammer with electric properties, permanent 'electroshock' damage.
50-100 mechanical damage, 100-150 electrical splash damage.
14 Strenght required.
35 kgs, no durability counter.
No energy needed, electric damage is a natural property of the weapon
Description could give a slight nudge to Norse mythology

Last but not least, our big bad Balor boss, he needs some love, even on DOMINATING he's kind of a pushover if played well.
I propose giving him Sprint ability, Thick Skull and many Adrenalines he could use during combat, to make him an actual very scary late game boss, as he deserves, because he needs to be equally badass as his hammer.

Open for discussion, I want to hear people's opinions about all of this.


  • Oculite
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I think force emission letting sledges do AoE damage would be cool; some percentage of your mechanical damage to the primary target.
A telekinetic hammer throw ability would be neat; not sure it's necessary given we have telekinetic punch. 
An electricity aura like the tesla armor that drains psi points each round (maybe tesla armor would give a boost to that power if you had it, or else stack with it).
A force armor ability like an energy shield emitter (maybe stacks with one). 

I like the idea of psychostatic adding extra bounces, and the splash imprint idea.

Balor's hammer already looks like mjolnir.

As for balor himself, I'm in favor of sprint and thick skull, though he doesn't seem like an agile type.  I think he should have tungsten armor with extra plates, reinforced tungsten boots, and maybe a shaded helmet though his appearance clashes with that (it would really fit his build).
*eurobeat intensifies*


  • Oculite
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Corporeal Projection truly is nice in high STR melee builds, it boosts everything telekinetic including Implosion, I did a spear+psychokinesis build and it was a lot of fun as with STR 13-14 all the telekinetic abilities were very strong despite the low Will and lack of Force User. Not to mention the onslaught you can unleash if you pop some vitality powder for +4 STR

Not sure about the psi additions but the hammer idea sounds really nice, more unique weapons would be nice.

Hammer Wizard

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While I dig the electricity aura idea, I had something slightly different in mind:

'Electrostatic armour'
Upon activation all enemy melee attackers will be shocked by a 'effective psychokinesis skill' upon hitting the caster, lasts 2 turns.
Grants electricity damage immunity for the duration of the ability.
Only works if the caster is wearing a metal armor (since it works as a conductor)
Casting this ability while NOT wearing a metal armour, will get the caster shocked and stunned for 2 turns

Psi cost: 75
Cooldown: 8 turns

By now it's obvious I intend Psychokinesis to become a really damaging psi school, in exchange for huge psi costs. It follows the same motiff as metal armoured sledgehammers, slow as hell but hits like a moving cargo train.

About the unique hammer, the proposed hammer and Balor's hammer are different in essense.
One relies on lighting damage and splash damage, while the other is basically a 'Fuck off' hammer that 1 hits everything it strikes.

About Balor, he's already tanky enough as it is, the problem is that he's slow enough to be 'kiteable' and cheesed with ease, by turning him into an unstoppable mass of man and steel, players will give a way harder time beating him.