For build examples with Guns/SMG/Melee, there are possibilities to go to the crit road: 30% with SI, 15% with Focus Stim, 7% with recklessness, 3% with Body Horror, 15% with Seeker Google, 10% with Impala = 80% crit chance (you could reach even more on melee)
I don't like crit builds, I always try to minimize RNG, especially in paper-thin builds like these where you have to plan what enemies to take out and where to GTFO. And even in crit build, I would never drop Expertise on SMG, 20 x 50+ bullets per round is serious damage, and you cant play every fight with SI, etc.
I had terrible experiences in this game with builds like these, you miss one-two 95% shots, you don't crit for a while, you roll low damage on weapon and you are reloading for 10th time.
But I could drop Interloper or Blindsiding for Recklessness and go with Infused Rathound and crit Goggles for a nice damage bonus when it happens, I'm gonna restart this build from level 10 save and try it when I finish the expansion, some crit will definitely make thing better and more interesting.
With your current build, are you struggling to hit high evasion enemies?
Not really, even if I don't stun/incapacitate/trap them. My effective guns skill is equivalent to having guns maxed with ~14 perception, and I almost never attack out of melee range. Also, I spray such ridiculous amounts of bullets each round that it does not really matter.
I found your build very good I would only change premeditation for critical power, giving an even greater boost to SMG damage, without modifying your build much
Premeditation is the most powerful feat in the game, I don't think I could finish dominating without it. At least not with minimal save/reload. Also, only SMG that would benefit from Critical power is Steel Cat, and it has high AP costs.