Author Topic: More Psi equipment!  (Read 3796 times)


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More Psi equipment!
« on: October 01, 2019, 08:48:37 pm »
So, there's a decent amount of variation in psi headbands, but headbands are pretty much the only psi equipment. You can modify certain armours with a psi beetle carapace to give a psi bonus but that's pretty much it for the base game.

Expedition adds a lot of psi stuff compared to the base game. Things for the weapon slot that are actually worth using as a pure psi build, for example. The psi crab carapace that can be used to make heavier psi armour.
I would really have liked the option for custom made psi staffs or spears.

However there's still far less choice for psi equipment than there is for weapons and normal armour. Especially when it comes to unique weapons or armours.

A unique psi headband for example could be a Thought Control headband that lets you restore a portion of psi points equal to 10% of the damage done by Neural Overload.
Maybe one for Temporal Manipulation, or Universal, that halves the action point cost of every psi skill but increases their psi point costs by 50%.
A helmet that increases resolve by a fixed number or percentage.
Armour that drains 10 psi at the end of every turn during combat and has amazing DR/DT, but if it loses power then it has no defence or very little defence.
Boots that raise your movement speed by a percentage of your temporal manipulation skill.
A jet ski that lets you use psi powers that don't usually work on water, like forcefield and electrostatic imprint.
A Metathermics headband that prevents friendly fire for allies and neutral parties. Maybe with a button to turn it off and on in-case you want to start combat against someone with it.

Anyway, there's a lot of scope for unique psi items and it would have been really nice to see them. Perhaps there's a good few I haven't found in expedition yet, I'll keep hoping, but otherwise it would be great to see some added or for the ideas to be adopted for Underrail 2.


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2019, 12:13:36 pm »
i agree. Pure psi feels lackluster in terms of items you can craft/use.  1 item for head slot, 1 armor for body, i think everyone uses doctor's bag for belt slot, but for some reason you get a decent amount of options for your "boots" slot. New dlc added 1 "okey" psi weapon, 1 amazing psi weapon and absolutely useless unique weapon.  Unique psi headband is also bad, but at least it's usable...but not for me or any offensive psi build.
I feel like adding somekind of energy damage psi-based weapon could help. I want to use weapons as psi =/  At least we got psi grenade in dlc, which is step in right direction.


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2019, 01:21:28 pm »
it would be nice to adds light armor / suit that's focused for psi but with lower defense. kinda annoying that you couldn't go full dodge build without sacrificing psi carapace.


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2019, 11:26:45 am »
Psi beetle shields are actually very light, they only add 7% penalty, unfortunately you can't use them without the riot gear itself, which has 20% base penalty at the very least.


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2019, 09:09:54 pm »
Well technically, there is tchortist noble robe, but idk how viable it is until DC, unless you're going balls deep on dodge + Eva for a chance not to die in case you made a mistake


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2019, 01:37:47 am »
there is tchortist noble robe, but idk how viable it is until DC, unless you're going balls deep on dodge + Eva for a chance not to die in case you made a mistake
Good psi play doesn't get hit, so the Noble Robe is perfectly viable. In fact, if you're playing a character that uses TC as their only main school and uses the others just for support, the robe might just be the best armor for that build since it certainly scales TC up higher than any player-crafted armor could.  There's no need for dodge or evasion even in such a build, because competent play will give you all the active defenses you can ever need; passive defenses are unnecessary for well-played psi.  There's on need to worry about hit chances or DR/DT when you just never get attacked.

That said, I wouldn't recommend a TC-only primary psi build for anyone but a real UnderRail veteran looking for a challenge.


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2019, 06:48:36 am »
Psi Crab Carapace can drop at qualities of around 150 and boost all psi skills by ~37, it's just prohibitively heavy when used in a tactical vest.
Used with Riot Gear the armor penalty should be much lower, but still not low enough to ever reach 0% armor penalty.


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2019, 07:56:22 am »
Which is still less than the Noble Robe improves Thought Control, as I said.

Psi Crab is 70% armor penalty in Tac Vest, but 25% in Riot Gear.  However, in Riot Gear, you only get the 35% to block melee damage, and do not get the enormous physical DT (and thus the huge +200% vs bullets, which can easily take DT vs bullets way over 100), fire DR&DT, and Electrical DR&DT.  The psiregen 2 and +psi_skill is the same between armor types, though.  Given psi haste ignores armor penalty, there's not much reason to avoid psi crab carapace as a psi primary.

See attached for an apples to apples comparison


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2019, 09:12:39 am »
Nice to see the real values laid out, guess the wiki needs to be updated, though, tbh the wiki values are a lot more sensible, I don't think you should encumber yourself so much just to barely go over the 25 TC bonus on Robes.
Crab armor penalty seems over the top, especially with the real psi boost values in mind, but that's just my opinion.


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Re: More Psi equipment!
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2019, 04:32:45 pm »

For a Psi-only (Especially TC) i recommend the staff the shamanleader uses. Or just a shamanstaff. They are both pretty strong for TC.

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