Still not exactly sure how damage calculations work. For example if i have 100 damage gun with 120% crit bonus, Blindsiding, Opportunist and Expertise feats, 200 effective weapon skill and 30% special attack >
"base" damage is 100 * (1+0.7*200/100) = 240, this is the damage displayed on offense page of combat stats windows
if i hit stunned target (25% Opportunist) from stealth (15%Blindsiding) damage is 240*1.4+20(Expertise)
if i crit the same target in same circumstances damage would be 240*1.4*2.2
if i hit it with Aimed Shot (special attack?) for guaranteed crit damage would be 240(base)*1.4(opportunist and blindsiding)*2.2(crit)*1.3(special attack bonus)? or 240*1.7(opportunist, blindsiding and 30% special attack bonus)*2.2(crit)??
Or does special attack only boost special attacks that have bonus damage, for example 250% Execute feat becomes 325% (or 280% ?) How would the formula look if i crit with Execute from stealth with Blindsiding feat and some special attack modifier?
Also for example if i try to make infused leather from 160q super steel and 60q leather what quality of leather can i expect? Also if i try to make leather armor from 120q leather, 150q padding and 175q black cloth how exactly is skill requirement calculated?