Author Topic: "Mind Spear" Build  (Read 4923 times)


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"Mind Spear" Build
« on: October 10, 2019, 01:49:17 pm »
Finished the game+expansion yesterday with my second character (based on my first, who I played up until the institute before buying the expansion and starting over).
This build is the result of me refining my second character based on finishing the game with them.
It uses stealth to get in a good position, mind breaks as many enemies as they can (Locus of control) uses temporal speed up and then starts blasting everyone with Neural Overload (with proper gear and perks you get huge damage with low psi cost and 6 ap reduction per Overload from specialised tranquility). Targets who are immune to Neural Overload get psychokinesis with Force User and energy edge spear with Impale.
Here's the build:
Best gear for the build imo:
Head: thought control psi helmet with neural overload scope(or whatever it's called) and mufflers.
Two sets of armor: tactical vest (sturdy vest, red panel because super steel is not worth it imo, psi beetle carapace and black cloth) for stealth that ends in a fight and infused cave hopper leather armor with soft foam and black cloth for non-violent sneaking.
Boots: black cloth tabi boots (best quality cloth goes here for speed/ap boost).
Weapons: Spirit staff (Normal, unique can be kept for special occasions but is not generally useful imo) for neural overload/other psi and Tungsten energy edge spear for normal melee.
Belt: Doctor's Belt because this is tranquility psi.
Energy shield: I go for efficient medium high, because aimed crossbow shots pierce almost any shield so low is not useful.
Utility: Stealth field and a cheapo taser (both just in case as rarely useful), crawler poison caltrops.
General feedback and DOMINATING viability opinions are very welcome, bre.


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Re: "Mind Spear" Build
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2019, 08:03:12 pm »
3 con psi build? Mental subversion is a weak feat imo. It's just looks like a weak psi build, sorry.


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Re: "Mind Spear" Build
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2019, 08:51:08 pm »
No biggie. It's no life-defining magnum opus or whatever. You could be somewhat more specific though. Is there a way to improve it, you think? If it is fundamentally subpar, why? With stealth tranquility psi, I only see 3 con being bad until you get mirror image (or however it's called in underrail) and a half-decent shield. After that you should not be hit very often.


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Re: "Mind Spear" Build
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2019, 11:48:36 pm »
No biggie. It's no life-defining magnum opus or whatever. You could be somewhat more specific though. Is there a way to improve it, you think? If it is fundamentally subpar, why? With stealth tranquility psi, I only see 3 con being bad until you get mirror image (or however it's called in underrail) and a half-decent shield. After that you should not be hit very often.

Mirror image not going to save you from a lot of attacks. Anything without chance to hit will ignore it ( aoe, psi abilities). Or at least that's how it works for enemies. I killed a lot of natives psykers while they are under mirror image with 1 hit.
So, about build...
I just don't like 3 cons builds. It's pretty much quick save/quick load. It could work for high initiative build tho. Not sure if your initiative high enough. So as soon as you detected or after your first turn you can die in 1 hit. And there a lot of things that can one-shot even a 10 con max lvl psi build... Like new native bosses. Defending beach in dlc will be a challenge, since crossbows could oneshot you.
But maybe you can pull it off - i know it's possible to beat dominating with 3 con. But if i remember correctly, that guy who did it also had max dodge/evasion/stealth. There is also a psycho high con/stealth build, that relies on survival instinct which could be a good damage boost for your build...But you want to play with tranquility, right?
Second - if you are using psi as main damage source, there is no reason to use melee. I have no idea how your spear is going to hit with stats/feats like you picked, but i'm sure that damage would be much, much lower than your "spells". Why use spear then? Why not use grenades/traps instead? You know there is will based "infinite grenade" in dlc, right?
You also mention this "Targets who are immune to Neural Overload get psychokinesis with Force User and energy edge spear with Impale". I...don't want to say something stupid, but i have doubts about this. I'm sure there better people who can say if this is a good idea. But would like to see how you are going to melee naga guardians. (i know you can avoid them, but still). Your biggest weakness is range of your neural overload, imo. And you need to beat dlc for that sweet +1 range.
Also - no lockpicking? No mercantile/persuasion? Can't remember, but don't you need lockpicking for abram quest or you can kill all guards and still get invite to oculus?

Sorry if this hard to read, i'm not a native english speaker.


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Re: "Mind Spear" Build
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2019, 09:47:53 am »
Ok, valid points. I will still attempt DOM with this build because why not, but I see what you meant.


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Re: "Mind Spear" Build
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2019, 08:32:03 pm »
I'm just a casual normal-hard player, but I agree with sapfearon. With really high psi skills, you'll rarely use melee, and once you're in melee range, you'll most likely die in 1 hit due to 3 Con + 0 dodge, hell you might die in turn 1 if anyone attacked you since you also have 0 evasion. 3 Con pure psi tranquil might be possible, since it's easier to full-heal when you don't have health pool anyway.. I'd say that it's better to invest on throwing + grenadier for additional CC.,flashbang and molotov are great

Psi build should be possible to run without mercantile, since you don't really need that much money, probably you' ll missed some rare stuff from special merchandise, but it's still possie to find high quality items without it.

For Free Maura quest, it's doable to just sneak past guard with high enough stealth, although idk what's the good spot, 90 effective is good enough to walk casually in 6-7 tiles distance