Author Topic: Query to make Last Stand actually last 2 turns.  (Read 968 times)


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Query to make Last Stand actually last 2 turns.
« on: November 04, 2019, 08:43:55 am »
(I put this on steam forums but I don't really care tooo much about discussion as I just want dev(s) to see it so also putting here as it seems to garner more traffic.)

I must initiate this by admitting the perspective value of "for use-on-turn" buffs and "for use-on enemy-turn" buffs. Basically, this feat is a defensive ability that irresponsibly ticks for duration during your turn instead of the enemies'(which is the only time Last Stand will absorb ANY damage; it's the only time you can take any damage). What does this mean? You activate Last Stand(end turn and 1 turn duration ticks off), enemies attack you once, (you take second turn and end, 2 turn tick sets off, now your health is set to 1), enemies attack second turn and you have 1 health and can't even use meager health hypo gain to counter-act your losses. This ability should be improved in one of a few ways, either be activatable during enemy turns, be "3 self-player turns" to get 2 turns of Defensive effectiveness, or it should "proc" at the Start of your third round instead of the End of your second or (said above)third rounds. Ending(resetting to 1hp) at the start of the (player's ofc) 3rd round is the most player-friendly and most fits the feat description.

If nothing else please change the wording to be more proper to the genuine-use of the feat. As it is, it is 1 round of help, not the 2 it emptily promises.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 06:07:59 am by dddmemaybe »

Shredded Cheddar

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Re: Query to make Last Stand actually last 2 turns.
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2019, 02:13:07 am »
Yeah man, I've known this about last stand for a long time and it has totally bugged me and discouraged me from taking it - WHYYYYYY would I take this when I could invest my points into increasing my damage and mobility and not get hit in the first place. IMO con and the con feats are totally underpowered in underrail. Combat usually happens so quickly that the meager defensive bonuses you gain from investing in defense are rendered useless in less than one turn.

Maybe con should also give you small amounts of damage mitigation like conditioning just from increasing it... Except for all types of damage. Like, if increasing con to 12 also gave my character 18% damage mitigation across the board it would actually be considerable on higher difficulties.