Author Topic: Psi school photoacoustics  (Read 1139 times)


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Psi school photoacoustics
« on: November 23, 2019, 07:17:42 am »
School focused on manipulating light sound and shadow made with a psi Nonleathal stealth build and oddity runs in mind.

Backstory is that the school was started by a disenfranchised thortist who sought to end all violence in underrail)


Photokenisis: create a mote of light at the designated location illuminaing the area (25 skill)

sensory overload: bombards the senses cuasing th target to be incapacitated for 1 turn (number of turns increases with ability withevery 10 points it increases by 1) and does no damadge. (0 skill, this is the base attack ability you learn. AP and Psi cost of 15)

Antiphotokenisis-creates a patch of darkness that makes those within it much harder to hit (and lowers accuracy without a feat or night vision) (25 Skill)

Audiokenisis: generates sound by osscilating air molecules (35 skill)

AntiAudiokenisis: cuases counter oscillations in the air canceling out any sound produced. (35 skill required)

Photosynthetic projection: create a clone that tuants enimies into attacking until it is despersed (can take x damadge that is determined by skill level) but is immaterial.(cannot attack)
(50 Skill)

Photodistortion: bend light around yourself temporarily dissapearing from veiw (untargetable but can be heard) any action asside from movement will cuase the distortion to dissipate (70 skill)


Pacifism (15 skill) reduces cooldown of all psycoacoustic abilities by one and reduces their ap cost by 5 and their psi cost by 5 provided you do no damadge. This feat grants the pacifism ability that has an unlimited duration and a 20 turn cooldown.

Trickster: (35 skill) all photoacoustic abilitiel lower the targets resolve (excluding the user)


  • Tchortist
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Re: Psi school photoacoustics
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2019, 08:51:41 am »
We honestly don't need more school tbh.
Light Manipulation should be handled by Thermodynamics, sound is managed by Psychokinesis, visual illusion is Thought Control, while any "passive" looking abilities are handed by Temporal Manipulation (with different flavor)

Also, psi is already mega strong, it shouldn't be changed or buffed anymore. Also, most of your ability suggestion is already handled by one thing or another, probably except the darkness and sound-related skills, which imo should be handled using additional Throwing utilities


  • Oculite
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Re: Psi school photoacoustics
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2019, 12:19:19 pm »
I like the idea of people creating new psi schools, since I tried one myself, but most of the abilities here are covered by Thought Control, and you can create light sources already with Telekinetic Proxy and Forcefield.

Eventually I hope they add a new psi power here and there as a secret, I would love some kind of secret that lets you use the psi power of greater coil spiders.