Author Topic: Question re: shock & acid bolt damage via specialization  (Read 2379 times)


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Question re: shock & acid bolt damage via specialization
« on: November 29, 2019, 04:04:59 am »
So I'm currently starting to play this crossbow build:

Assuming 100% critical chance, max critical power specialization, fully focused, using Anatomically-Aware Scoped Pneumatic Cyclon Crossbow + quiver + marksman for 14AP shock & acid bolt, would you get more raw damage (ignoring relevant thresholds and resists) by using the remaining 5 specialization points on:

Critical damage bonus:
Base (100%) + AA scope (50%) + Bowyer (35%) + Sharpshooter (30%) = 215%
After Critical Power:
[100 + (215 - 100)3]% = 445%

Bowyer = +10% critical damage bonus = +40% critical damage bonus on mechanical and elemental damage after critical power bonus.


Elemental bolts = +25% elemental damage

I'm not sure but I think elemental bolts bonus are multiplicative to critical damage bonus? If that's true wouldn't elemental bolts specialization out-damage Bowyer specialization here?


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Re: Question re: shock & acid bolt damage via specialization
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2019, 12:47:07 am »
I think Bowyer would be more profitable in-general, while Elemental Bolts only affect few enemies that has humongous mechanical defense, since it only affect the elemental parts without increasing mechanical damage part, and those elemental bonus are smaller than mech damage. Even if it's multiplier, Bowyer should push the total damage higher (although idk the actual math for it)


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Re: Question re: shock & acid bolt damage via specialization
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2019, 02:39:43 am »
Ok I'm going to take a stab at the math and calculations but I'm not sure if they will be correct. Please feel free to correct me if they are wrong or confirm them if they are right.

Level 30, Calculate for 10 Critical Power specializations (SP) only, no other SP

From Builder: Weapon damage = 316% from Effective Crossbow skill
Base Cyclon damage: 24~48 (mechanical)
Shock bolt MKI 3~33 (electrical) * Elemental Bolts (100% bonus) = 6~66 (E)

Non-critical damage = 75.84~151.68 (M) + 6~66 (E) = 81.84~217.68

Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 6~66 (E)] * (100% + 445%) = 413.328~826.656 (M) + 32.7~359.7 (E)
Total = 446.028~1186.356

5 SP to Bowyer
Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 6~66 (E)] * (585%) = 443.664~887.328 (M) + 35.1~386.1 (E)
Total = 478.764~1273.428

5 SP to Elemental Bolts
Base Cyclon damage: 24~48 (M)
Shock bolt MKI 3~33 (E) * Elemental Bolts (125% bonus) = 6.75~74.25

Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 6.75~74.25 (E)] * (545%) = 413.328~826.656 (M) + 36.7875~404.6625 (E)
Total = 450.1155~1231.3185

Shock bolt MKIII
Level 30, Calculate for 10 Critical Power specializations (SP) only, no other SP
From Builder: Weapon damage = 316% from Effective Crossbow skill
Base Cyclon damage: 24~48 (M)
Shock bolt MKI 9~69 (E) * Elemental Bolts (100% bonus) = 18~138 (E)

Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 18~138 (E)] * (545%) = 413.328~826.656 (M) + 98.1~752.1 (E)
Total = 511.428~1578.756

5 SP to Bowyer
Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 18~138 (E)] * (585%) = 443.664~887.328 (M) + 105.3~807.3 (E)
Total = 548.964~1694.628

5 SP to Elemental Bolts
Base Cyclon damage: 24~48 (M)
Shock bolt MKIII 9~69 (E) * Elemental Bolts (125% bonus) = 20.25~155.25

Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 20.25~155.25 (E)] * (545%) = 443.664~887.328 (M) + 118.4625~908.2125(E)
Total = 523.6905~1672.7685

Acid Bolt 10~25 (Acid) * Elemental Bolts (100% bonus) = 20~50
Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 20~50 (A)] * (545%) = 413.328~826.656 (M) + 109~272.5 (A)
Total = 522.328~1099.156

5 SP to Bowyer
Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 20~50 (A)] * (585%) = 443.664~887.328 (M) + 117~292.5 (A)
Total = 560.664~1179.828

5 SP to Elemental Bolts
Base Cyclon damage: 24~48 (M)
Acid Bolt 10~25 (A) * Elemental Bolts (125% bonus) = 22.5~56.25 (A)

Critical damage = [75.84~151.68 (M) + 22.5~56.25 (A)] * (545%) = 413.328~826.656 (M) + 122.625~306.5625 (A)
Total = 535.953~1133.2185

Seems like Bowyer is the way to go? *looking at you epeli* :P


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Re: Question re: shock & acid bolt damage via specialization
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2019, 03:22:52 am »
Now that's a lotta math.
Seems that Bowyer is safer pick. Although, idk how it works vs industrial bots and the Big B0i. I played for probably hundreds of hour and still never fought him outside or pure psi, so idk if elemental bolts would do much better against him


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Re: Question re: shock & acid bolt damage via specialization
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2019, 10:34:56 pm »
Thanks for the confirmation epeli.

I ended up getting Bowyer SP because looking at the numbers it still buff the elemental part of the damage, which isn't really that far off from Elemental Bolts SP. With Blindsiding + Opportunist bonus the higher raw damage wins the argument in my mind. YMMV.

Edited: been playing this char on and off and now I have buyer's remorse. Elemental Bolts is the superior specialization over Bowyer because you have to wait until level 30 to (re)craft your best crossbow(s); whereas if you take Elemental Bolts SP the damage buff applies automatically (level 25 ~ level 30).
« Last Edit: December 11, 2019, 04:06:29 am by destroyor »