Well, I'd disagree that a chemist is a chemical pistoleer only. To me a chemist (and that's how I've played one) is someone who utilizes all the chemistry crafting can provide. As such I had no problems between chemical pistols, mkv frag grenades and traps.
Now I don't remember the details of that character anymore, but here is what I'd go now with:
str 3, dex 8, agi 6, con 5, per 10, will, int 5 - the non min-maxed verion
or: str 3, dex 10, agi 6, con 3, per 10, will 3, int 5 - if you feel comfortable with playing a 3 con character
The first two level up stat points go into intelligence, so that you can get mad chemist eventually, rest into dexterity. Obviously you will want to pick upn pack rathound at some point, because encumbrance is an issue.
Starting feats: aimed shot, sprint, then: opportunist, grenadier, quick tinkering, cooked shot, mad chemist. And that's it for starters. When planning your battles, take into account the fact that grenades and explosive traps are very noisy. Sometimes it's better to drop a poisoned bear trap or two instead. Also, carry a single-target pistol as a back up, because the allied ai isn't very nuanced. Scratching someone for even 1 hp will turn them and their entire faction hostile, which makes using aoe weapons very problematic in some fights. But most of the time my chemist run around gleefully melting people.