Author Topic: Biology Skill Check to Examine Faceless Corpses  (Read 1537 times)


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Biology Skill Check to Examine Faceless Corpses
« on: January 27, 2020, 06:20:02 am »
The first time I killed a Faceless, my natural thought was "can I now remove its mask?"

I think there should be a Biology skill check to examine Faceless corpses.

Moreover, maybe it could unlock a special feat if you examine enough corpses. Say, you can now craft infusions with Deep Caverns components. But, as a tradeoff, all Faceless are automatically hostile to you.

Here's why I think is a good idea.

1. It's balanced imo. The Deep Caverns become much deadlier, but you are also stronger. Moreover, you're only stronger for the Deep Caverns and afterwards, since before then you won't have the components to make infusions. So crucially it doesn't affect pre Deep Caverns difficulty.

2. It incentivizes playing differently. I think most players try to remain at least neutral with the Faceless for obvious reasons. This could change that.

3. It makes sense that a character with high Biology would do this. And it's a natural way to add some interesting lore.

Even if you disagree with there being a feat reward, I think there should absolutely be the option to examine Faceless corpses.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 06:24:20 am by Blackmill138 »

Quidam Craft

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Re: Biology Skill Check to Examine Faceless Corpses
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2020, 09:37:59 am »
There is a lot of good ideas in here.
I would totaly love that science skills are used a bit more often than just crafting.


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Re: Biology Skill Check to Examine Faceless Corpses
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2020, 06:31:16 pm »
Dude says they hide their faces because of rocks sticking out of them. Also explains why they always reclaim their dead. The Stygian team definitely has ideas for explaining whats beneath the mask and it wouldn't be so farfetched for them to write something like that considering Expedition's writing.

Or maybe they just want to keep it mysterious and let your imagination fill in the blanks. Dude's explanation is plenty for me, honestly

Alice Malice

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Re: Biology Skill Check to Examine Faceless Corpses
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2020, 04:47:35 am »
Love this idea, it'd be great to see some non-crafting applications of the various technology skills, from gaining unique feats of varying utility, to just simply finding out more lore and flavor text.


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Re: Biology Skill Check to Examine Faceless Corpses
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2020, 03:17:25 pm »
Makes sense. I mean you can see this in several towns with labs, the local doctor dissecting some corpse on the table to get more information on the location of important organs and such.
It can be a skill like lockpicking that you have to apply on the corpse. And of course it should be a feat with certain requirements of INT and Biology (named Dissection or whatever). So after you performed dissection (it should look like laying a trap and should took at least as much time), you could be awarded with a +something% critical damage against that certain kind of enemy.

Another form of implementation could be by inspecting the organs of various non-mechanical enemies that you could rarely find as a drop within the corpse System Shock 2 style. This perhaps would even be easier to implement with a blueprint similar to exact humour - each organ requiring the same level of Biology skill.

The bonus could be an increase in critical damage against that sort of enemy, so not even a possible lower, flat damage based on the concept of the Anatomically Aware Scope. If you now know where to aim, you deal more damage. It can be from rathouds through burrowers, stalkers to giant spiders etc. So for someone who invested much in this particular skill and because of that not being as proficent in other offensive or defensive abilities, can be more effective this way.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 03:28:57 pm by Vokial »