Do you not have the expansion? Your original post about building a psi character mentioned that you wanted to give the expansion a go, but every time you link to a build you're thinking about using, you link to a build that isn't using Expedition.
If you do have Expedition, then you should probably reconsider your build progression since there'll be another psi school for you to consider, several new feats, and an increased level cap.
For what it's worth, with 10+6 Will, 10 Int, 6 Con, and 5 Per, you will still have enough skill points to get all your crafting, lockpicking, hacking, persuasion, mercantile, and intimidation thresholds while maxing at least two of the schools of psi. You don't need Dex or Agi for your build. Very minimal investments ultimately are wasted, because if you can succeed with 15 points in a skill, you can succeed with 0 points in a skill. It's the same reason you never want a stat to be 4; if you can succeed with a stat of 4, you can succeed with a stat of 3 and reclaim that stat point to put somewhere else.
Regardless, ultimately, if you want to build to your own liking, then you should do that and play. Don't get so mired in the theorycrafting that you never get around to playing the game