If you manually start turn-based mode and begin combat on your own terms, you will always have the highest initiative, regardless of what your initiative stat value is. Why not just use the weapon you prefer and take care to manually begin fights? Here is the complete list of fights that you can't do that way:
Two bandits at the ladder in GMS3.
Beast bladelings fight.
Arena fights.
optional: Eels assault on Scrappers.
optional&random: that Azuridae map that in some games spawns on the way from SGS9 to Mushroom Cove.
That's it. All the rest of the combats can be done on your terms. If you're letting the game roll initiative, then you're choosing that play style. If you want to choose to let the computer roll RNG, then maybe play tin can AR with psi. No stealth, lots of tanking, and ARs are extremely potent.