Author Topic: What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?  (Read 2956 times)


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What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?
« on: March 14, 2020, 04:06:20 am »
What are the moments in Underrail that define the game from a visual and atmospheric point-of-view to you? Like something that you might see in your sleep after playing 18 hours of Underrail.

For me, it's the first entrance into Panacea Labs. It's an abandoned research lab in the middle of nowhere, only it would have been merely out-of-the-way, off a major transit corridor when it was built. Kind of a forgettable location before the fall.

And here you are. Very unassuming entrance. And of course there are mutant dogs patrolling just past the entryway. What amplifies this environment for me is the musical track, "Lab Report." Where it's playing a technological beat, as this was once a place of hope and high civilization, and has now degraded like everything else. So it becomes a mutant cleanup, but it wasn't always like this in Panacea Lab.

And you would only know about this place because of its ties to an ancient Biocorp experiment, otherwise you'd just enter as a scavenger like everyone else.

So it kind of exemplifies the environment of Underrail for me.

Other atmospheric moments are Dude's portal quest in general, and a number of places within the Deep Caverns. Like meeting those slug/snail creatures just hanging around amidst junk, hiding in bunkers to avoid the Eye, trying to get all the way to the bottom of the mutagen tanks and back up before being spotted, it's creepy along those walkways. And the introduction to DC itself, where you follow a path of genetically-modified fungus into an even weirder place beyond.

How about you? Like, if I had to draw a Fallout-style loading screen for Underrail, entering Panacea Labs would be one of them.


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Re: What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2020, 05:24:03 am »
For me, the quintessential Underrail experience is the first time going through Depot A. After desperately fighting through mutants and mutated dogs, struggling not to be riddled with bullets, torn to shreds, melted by acid, or fragged by mines, you unexpectedly encounter Wyatt at the end. He then describes in vivid detail the horrifying history of the place, how he came to be in his predicament, and the sickening cruelty of Biocorp's experimentation. You then realize, from Wyatt's account of the bizarre and unmistakable appearance of the researcher and mind controller responsible for the ruse that allowed the mutagen to be covertly released, that you've already met the perpetrator. I found it to be an intriguing and genuinely chilling moment of realization which suggests that, among the seemingly civilized and sane people you've been cooperating with, some are utter monsters hiding sinister pasts; what's more, these are the people in charge, and their sociopathy probably makes them unusually well-suited to survival in Underrail's brutal world, much as it likely made them perfect candidates for their roles in Biocorp.


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Re: What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2020, 09:28:28 pm »
Yes, it was sickening to slowly learn about the disgusting roles played by some of the familiar people at SGS. And the world of Underrail is so cutthroat that in some cases I saw it is a potential advantage to have such people on board. Much as the game creators would prefer, I think.


  • Zoner
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Re: What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2020, 10:35:51 pm »
- A legitimate hair-raising moment for me was when I met a Biocorp scientist in the shafts at DC. I had read about him over some terminal messages, snippets of his life a long time ago, and, all of a sudden, there he is.

- The last quest for the Protectorate. Holy cow.

- Ezra answering the question "Are you blind?" without speaking. I am not sure why, but I find it extremely atmospheric.

sapient fungus

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Re: What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2020, 11:52:44 am »
All that "Misterious pillars" and "savage ghosts" events for no psi mumbo-jumbo characters. So creepy and .., corpulent.


  • Zoner
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Re: What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2020, 08:10:33 pm »
I think Abyssal Station is the most atmospheric area in the game. It is the culmination of what you have done up to that point and really isn't like any other area in the game. It feels eerie and dead.


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Re: What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2020, 08:23:08 am »
The part that always gets me is when you check all the logs in Caerus Residence, you learn about Abdul, Anton, Otis, Dude, etc, the inner problems in Biocorp, the relationship between the scientists, the projects, the status at that time, SO much information and very well written in form of private chats between characters.


  • Tchortist
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Re: What are the defining Underrail atmospheric moments for you?
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2020, 12:38:42 pm »

Easily the capital Flagship of Underrail in its entirety as a game. If it had a free demo of the game as a vertical slice - that would be it.

Don't even know where to begin with how well this place is designed overall.