Author Topic: PSA: Statis is good  (Read 1443 times)


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PSA: Statis is good
« on: August 07, 2020, 05:24:52 pm »
Easily the most OP spell in Temporal Manipulation psi school. Took me a while to understand how good it is so here's brief explanation for why it beats other, more iconic spells by huge margin, when cast on yourself. Tldr:

- gives more AP than psi haste
- gives 1 tour of cooldown reduction, like LTI
- gives 2 tours of immunity
- extends all status effects by 1 tour
- lures enemies to your line of sight

What is important to note is how long does it last, which was not obvious to me at first. It says the statis effect last for "2 turns". What does it mean? After you cast it, it's the first 'your' turn it is active. You cannot act during that time so it's best to cast it at the end of your turn. Statis is in effect now, so when you end your turn, all existing status effect will NOT progress/expire, even when they were at their last turn. Then there is enemy turn. Normally, enemies would attack you. Now, they still attack you, wasting their cooldowns and such, but you are immune to all the damage. Then it's another 'your' turn when you cannot act. Doesn't really matter as no harm can happen to you and no status effect can be applied to you. Then there is another enemy turn, where possibly another bunch of enemies from offscreen come to attack you, wasting their cooldowns and dealing no damage to you. Then, it's your turn again, statis is gone but your status effect did not progress.

It's as if you continued your last turn before statis, but with full AP, with exact same status effect as previously (Adrenaline shot did not expire, PSI haste did not expire) with 2 less turns for cooldowns and no damage dealt to you since the end of the turn when you cast statis. I repeat: you get another turn (50AP) + all the buffs you had on your last turn, which means one extra turn of psi haste, adrenaline shot and sprint, and tons of other buffs you aplied to yourself.

Immunity, -1 to cooldowns (on top of -1 to cooldowns which you would get anyway if you just ended you turn without statis, so -2 total), +1 turn to every status effect you had and nicely grouped enemies for your AoE attacks.

As a bonus: for some reason regenerative vests work during statis. Easy +100hp

Best spell in game. Beats two of other temporal spells combined and gives ton of additonal benefits.


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Re: PSA: Statis is good
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2020, 05:34:39 pm »
its also good for stacking distortions on enemies or just forcing a dangerous enemy to sit down and shut up for a couple turns
*eurobeat intensifies*


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Re: PSA: Statis is good
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2020, 05:43:25 pm »
While I agree you can use it to disable enemy and there are niches uses for it, I found it objectively worse than casting it on yourself 99.99% of time. If you cast it on yourself you gain extra turn and your cooldowns are reduced at the end by whole 2 turns. If at this point you need to disable someone, you can throw EMP or flashbang and spend the rest of your augmented AP to do whatever you want. Why disable one enemy for 2 turns when you can disable ALL of them for 1 turn and get cooldowns, extended status effects, positioning benefits and regeneration?