Author Topic: The Versetile Spear Juggernaut  (Read 11255 times)


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The Versetile Spear Juggernaut
« on: November 18, 2019, 12:04:40 am »

This is the Versatile Spear Juggernaut.

A pretty relaxed build to play. Sometimes it's just good not to worry about dying.

The build sports 664 HP after Psi.

And two setups in terms of protection.

My personal favorite was the first one. 40 + movement points at base before Psi always takes the cake for me. But there are a number of caveats here.

I couldn't get a decent Super Steel helmet on - I was using a Steel one - which is 20 % armour penalty. It was the only decent quality metal plate I could get my hands on for that spot.

The main armour is the most important thing.

I pretty much rushed the Reef Glider and used the build's tankiness and spear block ability to go through all the spiders and Strongman/Handmaiden in order to get it as soon as I could. To gain entry to Expedition I just defeated the Beast which was made quite easy with poisoned caltrops and Gas 'nades. That's also important as it opens the Super Steel furnace. Used the looted Hypercerebrix pill from the hospital to buff Mercantile to 100 and get 30 k for the Glider. Put all the money I had together and I managed to make 12 Super Steel plates. And while the majority of them were kinda trash, 4 were good enough. A base 150 + quality with 3 140 + quality to make very a decent main armour. Together with Armour Sloping and it's two specialized points, of course.

For the boots I just used the best Tungsten I could find. There wasn't a lot of difference in armour penalty in this case, so the heaviest is generally best.

These are the feats:

And these are the specialization points:

The skills points are as follows:

The Psi:

Main weapons of choice was the Tungsten Spear because of it's critical damage.

Pretty much every Impale was a dead enemy. It even one shot Magnar after stacking Gas 'nade procs. It's blocking ability together with the heavy armour and a double low shield emitter was soaking everything except for sledges and spear crits. And those did not do much, either. There was only the occasional Grand Slam from the natives, but that was about it. Sniper crits were nothing as well. The highest I ever saw was against one pirate sniper for 60 without Morphine and helmet on. Every other sniper dealt 30-40 damage per Aimed Shot.

For ranged weapons I went with a Tactical Vindicator:

And a scoped 9mm AR with W2C:

Leading Shot with specialization on was very helpful. I went for the Tactical Vindicator because of it's critical damage bonus and I was using goggles for critical chance. The type of ammo I used the most was the Hopper Shot, only occasionally swapping for 12p/6p. The Vindicator's high spread really starts performing awkwardly the lower the pellet count you go for. 20p on the other hand was very consistent and I can say that this combination is excellent against all types of wildlife and lightly armoured enemies, one shotting almost everything along the way. I used Thermodynamic Destabilization a few times and it was quite ok. I guess if you want to use it more often, it's fine, although I didn't find enemies clumping up together all that much. There was another cool combo, though. Freeze, entangle with a net, Impale then Entropic Recurrence. That one was against bosses/arena enemies but you have to be careful not to have any electricity in the spear because Entropic Recurrence will trigger for the shock proc rather than the Impale crit. The 9mm AR was for Dreadnoughts and Naga Protectors and it was doing a good enough job at it with Focus Stim on. I took Expose Weakness at 30 and only to use it against the last boss, but it didn't land in the fight. Still got two spear crits for about 800 each, so it was ok in the end. Took out the Thought Control tentacle before anything else, and the fight was quite easy. I even fought the Faceless after that which was pretty much the hardest encounter in the whole game, having to retreat from the area and then come back.   

All in all - a very chill build to play.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2019, 12:09:57 am by HulkOSaurus »


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Re: The Versetile Spear Juggernaut
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2019, 02:15:00 am »
  Could you post a stats distribution at the beginning for optimal working?


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Re: The Versetile Spear Juggernaut
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2019, 03:22:53 pm »
  Could you post a stats distribution at the beginning for optimal working?
my guess would be and then pumping str

At what difficulty did you play HulkOSaurus?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2019, 03:27:01 pm by Doxy »


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Re: The Versetile Spear Juggernaut
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2019, 04:52:25 pm »
Ah, yes, sorry about that.

Indeed, Doxy is right about the starting stats distribution.

At what difficulty did you play HulkOSaurus?

DOMINATING. Just keep to the walls to avoid the traps in Depot A and on the way to the Rathound King. Although you can just make a Shield Emitter for the Rathound King fight.

You basically want Heavy Armour as soon as possible together with any spear and Spear Guardian Feat with two Spec points. After that put two Spec points into Armour sloping, then focus on making shotguns better. You can almost exclusively fight melee enemies until you get the Reef Glider and start pumping Super Steel Plates. Gas 'nades help immensely along the way.


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Re: The Versetile Spear Juggernaut
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2020, 11:50:39 pm »
How would this build work with the new psi update?


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Re: The Versetile Spear Juggernaut
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2020, 11:42:11 am »
Focus on either Metathermics or Temporal Manipulation. Personally leaning towards Metathermics. It will open some feats options like Quick Tinkering. The rest is more points where ever you like them.