Author Topic: Totally not Jhon wick (WIP) a build for the new update  (Read 3410 times)


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Totally not Jhon wick (WIP) a build for the new update
« on: February 28, 2021, 06:50:40 am »
this build focuses on firearm pistols, throwing knives, and a knife or fist weapon as well as temporal manipulation

get in close and use point shot, limited temporal increment, and point shot again to dole out some pretty devastating damage after the gun-fu bonus gets factored in, finishing off any target that has low health with throwing knives

shock shurikens sometimes work and sometimes don't, fantastic damage into the midgame, great against robots if you are getting crits and lots of stuns if you just start throwing en mass with split spare.

A smart 44 hammerer with a laser is the go-to pistol along with the jkk jacket (no tailoring here folks because that point shot bonus is the whole focal point of this build) and the new knife throwers gloves (until you hit the cap, and just take another pistol)

early game I recommend a 9mm neo luger and the W&S revolver that Wyatt drops or the new throwing knife gloves if you can find them

expose weakness is kind of a must for this build in my opinion it gets rid of (or at least mitigates) the main drawback that pistols and throwing knives

best belt is a toss-up between bullet strap and utility belts

Skll caps

Guns 70
temporal manipulation 60 (feats) or 70 (if you want stasis)

take the other skills as high as you want them. Remember that throwing and melee are going to be your main damage skills the reason we are going with melee over guns is due to gun-fu(bonus melee scaling for pistols) and versatility because this is a dex build (and guns scale with perception) between these two feats you should have a VERY high effective firearms skill in melee range

Stats to start

Strength 4
Dexterity 10
Agility 7
Constitution 3
Perception 7
will 3
intelligence 6

hit and run

Aimed shot

Steadfast aim

point shot (synergizes very well with the gun-fu later on)
start dumping any extra points into melee skill about now

Fatal throw (specialization candidate for bonus ap)

remote surgeon (just dump everything you need into bio here and now)

gun-fu (maybe specialize)

Stop leveling the guns skill entirely (gun-fu will mitigate the damage loss for some time) and pump points into melee and throwing

psyco-temporal contraction (a little extra ap never hurt)

Split spare

Versatility (throw any extra specialization points here if you have them)

Expose weakness (this will help with any of the tougher to crack enemies)

bullet time

from this point on all feats are player choice I do recommend picking up any special attacks or feats for pistols or a melee weapon of your choice

lightning punches, kneecap shot, rapid-fire and split spare.

feats I do not recommend would be the executioner (unless you plan to take opportunist) due to the long cooldown and the higher action point cost per shot

ambush looks good on paper but throwing knives do not proc it at all

sharpshooter requires far too much investment, same for scrutinous

« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 01:21:55 am by A_Clever_Monocle »


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Re: Totally not Jhon wick (WIP) a build for the new update
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2021, 11:44:55 pm »
I was testing pistol build up to level 12 but becomes confused between crit or expertise build.
In one way, you can do high AP high caliber crit build, but still less reliable due to only 90-100% crit damage, or low caliber 4 AP 5mm pistol with expertise.
All in all, firearm still felt okay after the buff, but still not as good as other guns.
And bullet time requires at least 2 spec to decrease the AP cost by another 1 most of the time. I think it's enough unless you used .44 hammerer for example.