Author Topic: Good game but some suggestions after some play  (Read 3177 times)


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Good game but some suggestions after some play
« on: September 27, 2013, 11:19:17 am »
Very good game overall, clearly unfinished but some things I would like to see is

A) Least of my concerns, but having more options to move from the starting place would be nice, I dont mind the way its going right now but having more freedom to pick what/where to do stuff at start would be nice.
B) "Better" secret detection! You already have this "focused" for ranged combat, why not make it the normal way of detecting secrets too? Slam -3 perception to normal detection and when out of combat AND focused you cover up the lost perception. Just running past some hallway or being in combat and noticing that oddity in the wall is bit sad. Stopping to standing still few seconds to have max detection should not be too much to ask from adventurer!
C) Mushroom farming... Its not bad idea, I honestly loved that i had to do something to get those meds(mushrooms + caging some stuff), but doing that and getting some rifle off the shelf? No thanks! You already have some items/currency that vendors simply wont accept, why not make mushrooms and fished items only accepted by few "food" npc that have very low stocks, make sure these vendors have nearly no credits and just some junk and meds/ammo. This would make mushrooms/fish/eels to cover up your basic needs when you are low on cash, but it surely should not let you buy off the best weapon in shop if you do it long enough! Naturally you can keep on re-selling some items but this would greatly slow the process down.
D) Fishing full durability items, I know fishing is new thing but getting polished items from it surely is not intended, I dont mind if I fish up some really nice armor/weapon as who knows what those siphoners (who are too fat to follow you around) have drowned down there! It should be in bad shape and if its good for you, you can just repair it.

I have not played the entire game trough yet but those few things did bother me a little, mainly the C part is making me sad.


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Re: Good game but some suggestions after some play
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2013, 01:36:12 pm »

A) The game world will open up more in the future updates.

B) I thought about giving detection bonus when standing still, but I decided against it. It would require from player to go and stand near every corner for a while just in case it has a secret. It's comparable to pixel hunting, imo, and not particularly fun.

C) Did you really buy a rifle from the mushrooms you picked up? That must have taken forever. :) I'm guessing most of the money came from Lake mushrooms as those respawn quickly. I might make them worthless in the future.

D) I agree, will change that.


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Re: Good game but some suggestions after some play
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2013, 02:30:42 pm »
No I did not save up for entire rifle but I did fish eels and gathered "some" mushrooms for new weapon and it just struck me silly how all the mushrooms I gathered made up large amount of the price, at the start the mushroom deal was really helpful but they should not really be making that sweet deals. "Mushrooms that grow fast for bullets that are rare"

Stealing is really good way to get money but I wanted to play my 1st game as goody two-shoe. Picking mushrooms and crafting seems to be the trait.

I ques I have hauled over 4000 mushrooms, even when not short on money I find 200-400 on my pockets to sell, gotta pick em all :p

I ques big bret is the only one who has infinite use for the cave mushrooms with his little farm, making him only one who accepts them could solve all the problems ^^ (atleast my problem of hauling them each time to shop :D)


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Re: Good game but some suggestions after some play
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2013, 06:15:14 pm »
Fishing seems to give some cash too, I dont know how the fishing will end up being as its new, but generally non rare mushrooms and fish might be something to change.

And hopper farming is much much slower than the mushroom one is?

Anyways, I dont mind if you have some "decently" easy way to stock back up on healing items at the start if you fuck up horribly, but it should not extend much from the start or to weapons. Doctor is nice but has to travel from combat.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 06:23:13 pm by Phyroks »


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Re: Good game but some suggestions after some play
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2013, 10:32:41 pm »
Lake mushrooms do respawn ridiculously fast, I'll agree on that. You probably could increase their respawn timer tenfold so people won't be tempted to just run around Mushroom Cove gathering shrooms.

But what will the hoppers eat then... :(


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Re: Good game but some suggestions after some play
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2013, 11:55:45 pm »
Some other things that have popped into my mind after more playing, mostly crafting.

A) Starting the game. Please give the poor fellow some skill based weapon with increased durability to make the start bit more easier, its not big thing but having to repair your weapon little later makes it easier. Edit: Maybe after returning from shooting range you could be asked if you were comfortable with your current weapon, and option to change it?

B)Crafting exp. Im really divided upon this matter... but could you make crafting grant some experience? I dont mean it should give you ton load of it, even having same amount of exp as the item needs skill would eventually grant you a level! Why? Well..... I really hate when games give you levels just for running around or doing something outside of combat and suddenly you are more skilled in martial arts for nothing! But it also makes me wonder why I need to go shoot some monsters in the head to learn the secrets of needle and thread. Granting small exp would actually give you something in return and at least some of those tailoring skills would also come from actually doing it(crafting or salvaging stuff). By all means dont make it too good source of exp, just somewhat useful would be nice. Maybe same amount as the crafting requires skill(s)?

C) Repair. The "better" repair kits seem to have only minor discount in price, it should be cheaper for sure as not all weapon can even use up all that repair! But I still feel like the discount on higher amount kits should be bit better. 2nd thing about repair is the fact that when items value goes up, its durability barely keeps up with it. If higher cost weapons would have more max durability, repairing junk for profit could stay in better control and the high repair amount kits more wanted, it could actually make repairing items more expensive, specially with low kits.

D) Salvage. Hey it feels completely useless(so far)! If salvaged items would always give more scraps it could actually be more useful to try salvage it for repair kit parts, but so far I have never found that situation. Would it be possible to consider the items to be around 40% durability for salvaging (unless its over it). This could actually make you wonder if its better to use it as spare parts instead of fixing it up and buying more repair kits/something.

E) Crafting components. So far items have quality that adds to the stats of the weapon, could there be some "quality misc components" that you could use to fill weapon/armor enhancement slot? These could have no effect on the actual performance of the weapon, but grant better durability or reduced durability to trigger the worn item effects. It could also make the crafting bit easier, buy more expensive parts to be able to make that weapon you wanted bit earlier with less skill (if for some reason you are swimming in money)

C and E are not really big concerns and Im divided on B for being good, or easily turned into bad idea.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 12:16:24 am by Phyroks »