Author Topic: Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build  (Read 5365 times)


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Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build
« on: July 26, 2021, 04:32:19 am »
Tired of walking all over Underrail in search of that very specific crafting component to update your build's weapon of choice only to find out none of the merchants has it at a decent quality?

Tired of praying for the RNG for a crit and having to plead further with F9 every time it doesn't happen because without crits your build is kaput?

Do you want to have a vastly more predictable damage output?

Critical hits begone!

Current Iteration:

Original Prototype:

Second Prototype:

Third Prototype:

In short this is about getting as much damage from Expertise as possible and a high enough damage that the lack of crits will barely be noticed, as expected from a build that will never, ever have a critical hit outside of psionics once it finds the item it was designed around. After some thought I concluded an unarmed STR psi monk is possibly the best choice for this. Most ranged weapons either have a myriad of special attacks that benefit from smart goggles which make the Unprojector undesirable or are all about the crits, and no weapon can both hit so fast and rack so much damage bonus from STR as unarmed. However, this one makes a big compromise to deliver the high tier, expertise-enhanced damage: 3 WIL, but it still hits hard with psionics thanks to (almost) fully specialized corporeal projection. Add to that being a 3 CON glass TK cannon that is supposed to stunlock or  beat down everything up before being endangered to boot because I took the risk of betting on Uncanny Dodge instead of 5 CON, yet this has the speed to deliver a devastating alpha strike and enough stealth and/or initiative to not be gimped in combat by not having the first moves.

9 DEX for Lightning Punches giving 5 AP punches with tabi, yet going with STR as primary combat stat are the results. Starts with 9 STR, 9 DEX and 5 INT. Raises STR always except at level 16 where it is INT instead for Premeditation. Possibly this has the highest effective carry capacity of any build out there because it will use light armor and not require ammo at all outside of combat utilities. It forsakes chemistry and biology, only raises mechanics enough to use super steel fiber for the infused leathers, a bit into traps to compensate 3 PER and not have to replace the Unprojector with motion seeking goggles just for trap detection. The only gear that will ever be crafted will be energy shields, tabis and eventually infused leather armor. PK and unarmed will win the day and TM will give even more power to expertise 5 AP punches.


Very simple. The Unprojector, of course the core of this build, all the time as soon as it is found. Armor penalty must remain below 20% for lightning punches. Light tactical vests may be chosen but crafting them is likely impractical with how little SP will be put into mechanics, so in general leather armor will be the first choice, and which leather is better is a good question.

Belt is utility. One more combat utility is handier here than anything else.

For armor infused greater siphoner leather armor is a definite choice. Combined with insulated foam padding it has resistance to a lot of different damage types and a major bonus to dodge and evasion, the latter is mostly pointless but the former improves Uncanny Dodge. Here there won't be any sacrifice of tailoring when distributing skill points until the desired breakpoint that should suffice for some very good leather armors with the bonus of the leatherworking workbench. Infused rathound leather obviously is pointless in here, but either ancient rathound leather or one of those encumbering serpent leathers may actually serve a purpose to make this a bit more resilient in the endgame once the very late choice of Nimble is in to ensure armor penalty will be below 20% with heavier leathers because there is nothing that much better than such feat at that point. One or two batches of 3 super steel plates each should be enough for all crafting needs unless the RNG decides to really hate me.

Tabis will be infused greater siphoner for the dodge bonus too.

Then add nets, a taser or caltrops, flashbangs and damage-dealing grenades. No need to pray there will be x available at the next mechanics or electronics shop because you got fists of steel. You will barely need repair kits too as a bonus.

Possible alternatives

1 ) Go back to 7 WIL, 8 DEX and 3 INT, Escape Artist and Force User instead of Premed and Expose Weakness. Base game is very hard for unarmed without EW while in Expedition, it's like this: I saw a psicrab the other day. Horrible creatures, I avoid them whenever I can. Considering psi crabs are pretty much immune to electricity Electrokinesis won't help either.

2 ) Ditch evasion for more into throwing and temporal manipulation. Does missing slightly a grenade or contraction reverting result in death more often than explosions and long range special attacks by crossbowmen and snipers? Not in my experience.

3 ) Sacrifice AGI for 7 CON to get stoicism + conditioning instead of Uncanny Dodge. I wouldn't do it because while there are some tricks to have decent MP with even a 3 AGI build, I wouldn't gimp a melee-oriented build that way.

4 ) Reduce AGI to 6, forsake Uncanny Dodge, replace Fancy Footwork with Sprint and start with 10 STR. For a nimble can defense setup this would be OK, but without armor sloping only very late it would be possible to have any significant defense without losing Lightning Punches and Nimble can defensive setups are much better with 10 CON. Besides, trading mobility for more damage is a very risky bid for a 3 CON melee build.

5 ) Replace Interloper with Opportunist: At level 20 this build is already very powerful. A QoL feat is preferable to just going all in with minmax at this point.

General Questions and Answers

Q: Where is the Unprojector?

A: It spawns in one and possibly only one of the game stores, randomly it seems. While playing a nimble can AR build it spawned in Foundry's General Store. In another game it spawned in Dirty Tom's store located in former Black Crawler's lair now run by Gorsky. Maybe whenever all trader inventories are refreshed in game, it spawns in only one of the available stores and won't show up again once you buy it as if it were an unique item, or once spawned in one of the stores it will never despawn and stay in the store where it first spawned forever. I'm not sure.

Q: Was this tried in-game?

A: Nope. 100% theorycrafting as of the moment of the OP but it should work. Will try it eventually on Dominating, because it is likely less difficult than an all-schools pure psi (hemo)psychosis Survival Instincts build.

Q: Is this build useless without the Unprojector?

A: Useless is not the correct word to describe a build that is designed to not need critical hits to get things done. Of course the meager crit damage bonus of unarmed makes having the unprojector together with expertise arguably better than having a crit chance at all.

Q: Is the Unprojector a meme item?

A: I'd call it poor man's smart goggles for 4 AP attack expertise melee builds wearing light armor which boosts damage for all attacks and disables crits. I suppose that it also could be of use with an AR build that goes with nothing but a pair of Hornets, full auto, muzzle brake and concentrated firing or for a SMG with <=8 AP bursts and expertise since smart goggles no longer buff bursts. Or with a meme 5mm silenced Neo Luger pistol build that has very predictable damage output as its only strength, but then maybe it automatically becomes one by the nature of such build.

PS: Previous time I checked this one still lacked a wiki article which is why I attached a snippet screenshot of the item in question this build was designed around.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2021, 06:31:13 pm by Cassidy »


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Re: Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2021, 04:48:11 pm »
Why not use fancy footwork? If you’re making a lot of melee attacks that extra mp can let you get out of range of an enemy and completely avoid melee damage. Also, you don’t need more than 40 dodge, since that is the minimum requirement for uncanny dodge, and with tabis and greater siphoner you can get 7 dodges, which is more than enough in most scenarios, in addition to using high MP to run away from slow melee enemies. It probably isn’t worth it to use PK on this build since it’s so stat starved and can’t use psi headbands due to unprojector. You can lower will to 3, pump int to 6 and str to 17, and be able to craft high quality energy shields with over 1.5k capacity, which will dramatically improve your survivability.


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Re: Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2021, 07:29:37 pm »
The first thought on this build was to use only 6 AGI and 5 CON and I forgot to replace Sprint with Fancy Footwork.

I wouldn't count on only throwing to help against high mechanical DR/DT, having a steady source of ranged damage is always useful even if it doesn't hit as hard as melee unarmed. With some investment in electronics, craftable shields with such low INT while far from the optimal do make sense for this concept because it has the goal of mostly avoiding the act of scrounging shops all over again and again in search for Q 140+ stuff. So here is a better new prototype for this:

Dodge only raised enough for escape artist and UD as suggested, remaining points put into electronics but the stats weren't changed.

Bone breaker is useless, first build link is pretty much a draft anyway. Added Opportunist (to be possibly replaced with Interloper for QoL) after Dirty Kick, both and combo now are quite late with PK and flashbangs being the primary source of stuns or incapacitation until then and pushed the PK enhancing feats earlier. Also replaced dubious Guard feat with far more useful PTA and Nimble with Sure Step so acid puddles won't be painful and caltrops will be always of great utility, leaving Nimble as a very late feat in place of BWT instead. (Greater) Siphoner leather with its pretty small armor penalty will be the choice now for most of the game.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 07:56:51 pm by Cassidy »


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Re: Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2021, 12:09:44 am »
Mate, you really REALLY need expose weakness, since fist are bad against any armour, 9 dex (for 5 ap punch). It is a must for most, if not any  unarmed build.
Will can stay on 3 corporeal projection will still get you good dmg, and you can have ew and a lot of str to damage any enemy. Also you need premed if you got two psi school on dom. I run out of psi even with a really good cost reduction psi band, and have to twist build a little bit just to take it. Force user may work to fix it, but imo ew and premed on haste and stasis are way more useful for a puncher. For an armour i recomend to look at the rathound regalia it is insanely good on fisters.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 12:17:39 am by Owlyu »


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Re: Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2021, 01:40:50 am »
So here is crit-less PK time monk build prototype #3: 9 DEX and 6 INT at the expense of 3 WIL, Expose Weakness instead of Force User*, likely more F9 presses and Premed instead of Escape Artist, Interloper instead of Opportunist for QoL and a reshuffle of Skill distribution with just a bit into traps for better odds of detection.

The rathound regalia makes all the skills put into tailoring useless because very high quality ninja tabis can be found for sale too. And if it's "insanely good" that is one more reason for me to prefer something else.

*Considering EK and EK imprint aren't boosted by it, not a major loss.

*Edit: Unarmed without Expose Weakness = Quit game and start from scratch upon meeting psi crabs and strongmen.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 03:48:59 pm by Cassidy »


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Re: Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2021, 01:01:28 am »
Ok I take a second look, and have a bit more thoughts about it. First, if you have some spare time I made a guide for the similar build and cover some topics there more deeply, also there is a playlist at the end to see build in action. Here is the link.
Abbot Rathound regalia it gives you everything you need. Speed, str and a bit sneaky power. You still need tailoring for bio and cold def, and on early game bullet protection and even on the frog suite and tabis.
I play my build a bit differently, I still got high evasion, but i only use sure step and catrops to slow down enemy and abuse los, so I don’t have a nimble and uncanny dodge. I believe you can even skip dodge feats without sure step. Also keep in mind you need a huge boost to your dodge and evasion make enemy miss consistently on dom so it may be not worth it to put a lot of feats into it if you got ff and tm, so your main goal is not let enemy fire at you at all. For that will be abusing los and caltrops, so some misses here and there from 1 or 2 lucky enemy is all you need to win the fights, and just maxing eva skill and frog tabis can give you that. I also higly recommend you stay with the escape artist, if you plan to deal with natives, there are too many nets and acid blob can entangle you in stasis. I also recommend you switching expertise to Taste for blood. Expertise damage don’t scale at all so its flat 20, instead of a +50%. Proc it with nail bombs and fuck shit up.
And good luck!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2021, 01:55:56 am by Owlyu »


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Re: Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2021, 06:03:57 pm »
New revision:

Ok I take a second look, and have a bit more thoughts about it. First, if you have some spare time I made a guide for the similar build and cover some topics there more deeply, also there is a playlist at the end to see build in action. Here is the link.
Abbot Rathound regalia it gives you everything you need. Speed, str and a bit sneaky power. You still need tailoring for bio and cold def, and on early game bullet protection and even on the frog suite and tabis.
I play my build a bit differently, I still got high evasion, but i only use sure step and catrops to slow down enemy and abuse los, so I don’t have a nimble and uncanny dodge. I believe you can even skip dodge feats without sure step. Also keep in mind you need a huge boost to your dodge and evasion make enemy miss consistently on dom so it may be not worth it to put a lot of feats into it if you got ff and tm, so your main goal is not let enemy fire at you at all. For that will be abusing los and caltrops, so some misses here and there from 1 or 2 lucky enemy is all you need to win the fights, and just maxing eva skill and frog tabis can give you that. I also higly recommend you stay with the escape artist, if you plan to deal with natives, there are too many nets and acid blob can entangle you in stasis. I also recommend you switching expertise to Taste for blood. Expertise damage don’t scale at all so its flat 20, instead of a +50%. Proc it with nail bombs and fuck shit up.
And good luck!

An interesting guide, but regarding TfB, I'm not a fan of picking up feats that require you to always side with a specific faction because the key item for the feat to work in such context is available only there. Of course this wouldn't be the case for a nimble can with bladed super steel armor and a serrated knife, for example. Furthermore Expertise will work all the time against anything and the base damage of unarmed is small enough even at level 30 that Expertise will be a significant bonus. Only in spec points it loses to Improved Unarmed Combat, so the new build prototype shifts spec points for such reason.

Dirty kick is out for escape artist, Combo feat should get in ASAP with full spec on stun chance to compensate the lack of dirty kick and several points are transferred to evasion ensuring explosions, snipers and crossbows won't result into inevitable furious pressing of F9 whenever they show up to take potshots beyond player character's LoS and stealth is already gone. Throwing won't be as accurate, Contraction will revert more often and what would be as close as possible to a full stealth approach when crossing the Fetid Marshes and other Hive infested areas or other places where it is possible and desirable to avoid combat through stealth will be harder, but other than that it should be good.

In theory it's always possible to move around and avoid letting anything close in to attack in melee range, but in practice that is not always certain even with caltrops, where Uncanny Dodge ensures 2+ dodges and likely one more turn of survival whenever things don't go as theorycrafted.