Howdy I was trying find a cool build a while back and started reading this post but it appears a lot of the links are broken.
I was having a lot of fun on it so far though I'm aware some of the information presented might be out of date.
My current build is something like this:
Level 4
Str: 3
Dex: 11
Agi: 8 (9)
Con: 3
Perception: 3
Will: 5
Int: 8
Melee: 30 (47)
Stealth: 30 (53)
Hacking 15 (21)
Lockpicking 11(20)
Traps 26 (47) (I currently have a trapper belt and trying to get the special knife to boost my skill)
Mechanics 15 (20)
Electronics 15 (20)
Tailoring 8(10)
Psychokensis 30 (32)
Temporal Manipulation 30 (32)
Mercantile 30 (40)
Psi Empathy
Quick Tinkering
So far the only enemy that has given trouble are the bigger beetles and I'm a bit stuck where I'm at. Though I have plenty of money.
Goals are getting a lifting belt, decent taser, decent shield, good knife, trap knife, rat regalia, and goggles (I forget the best kinds) I even managed to get some good rathound boots for the sneak bonus.
About half my weight is dedicated to bear traps but I don't have the skill to make moli's yet. Wondering how I should approach these beetles and make the best use of quick tinkering.
Screenshot is of my psi powers not really sure what innervation etc is. but I think I have too many things memorized at once. So each ability costs a lot. Telekinetic punch seems like my best way to stun for now. Not sure what else I have that would be useful againist these beetles. Kiting into traps hasn't turned out too well they seem to just walk around them or these damn gophers run into them and break my stealth.
Could someone help me come up with a plan to say level 10 and by then I should have no issue figuring out the rest.