Author Topic: Easy mode build for new and young players  (Read 3813 times)


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Easy mode build for new and young players
« on: January 08, 2022, 07:54:03 pm »
Here's an easy mode build that is made to make the game as painless and as simple as possible. (You're something of a hard-to-kill Swordmaster)

First off, your skills merely invest the same maxed amount to the same skills every level up, which makes it easy to level up (Parenthesis number is a boosted amount from any bonuses, other number is the raw points invested). Feats are just 1 per 2 levels, keep the list(second link below) available if possible? Don't think about the feats too much if you are new, these ones just work without any intent to make them work. Only 3 of them require input (show and move their icons to hotbarkeys with "f" on keyboard once taken), Sprint (move faster), Yell (enemy temporary weak all around you), and Decapitate (kill enemy). Everything else is non-input reliant; automatic benefits.

You get a Base Ability point at every 4th level up to level 24 (4,8,ect.), just put all of them into strength to get that super strength.

Level 1:  (Max the same stuff skills shown here every level up from here on and you're good.)

Max Level (look at the link below this here to see the feats to take, they are at the Bottom Left and in order; hacking, lock-picking and throwing being not as expected doesn't matter too much, if you ignore Throwing and max the ones from level 1 instead it's OK anyways.):

Pros (for experienced players to see):

  • Player is tanky regardless of armor type equipped (Dodge/Evade/Juggernaut/Healingboosts).
  • Mashing attack boosts damage and grants movement to keep mashing.
  • Our Healing boosts and HP boosts stack well with easy mode.
  • No crafting and low maintenance makes buying/selling/inventory very forgiving for new players.
  • Thick Skull means disabler enemies like Brain-Psi doesn't bring heavy troubles. Evasion also helps against nets/phys lockdown a bit.
  • Swords are cool and kill fast.
  • Sure Step + Bulky Melee + Fast Metabolism makes Junkyard's acid-based(no ground damage) mutants a cakewalk.

Final Note: if you don't know what the specializations are, you get them starting at level 16, roughly half-way to the level max you can reach. You just get 1 free point for those per level up, starting then. They are pretty simple.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2022, 08:00:21 pm by dddmemaybe »