Author Topic: First Time Player putting together a Pistol/SMG build on Easy  (Read 2304 times)


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First Time Player putting together a Pistol/SMG build on Easy
« on: January 06, 2022, 11:52:36 pm »
I've been looking into Underrail for quite a while now and after a couple hours of research via looking at builds here, reading reddit, and watching videos I think I'm starting to get a grasp on some of the games concepts- that being said I am still very new hence why I'm playing on Easy and would happily take any pointers I could get, this is the Level 1 build I have put together so far:

Looking into the game mostly blind I knew I wanted to stick to Pistols, SMGs, and Knives because I learned that high Dex lowers the AP cost of light weapons allowing you to get more attacks per round then almost any other conventional weapon, and that seems incredibly fun. I've seen it said several times that Will is an okay dump stat if you're not touching PSI and while I was hesitant about the lowered resolve I decided to commit to high Perception and Dex, I'll save PSI for another time. Locking, Hacking, Pickpocketing, and Traps seem to all be super helpful because it gives you a higher chance at more loot, more ammo, and more Oddities while Traps helps both with fights and for spotting certain pitfalls that could immediately kill you. Evasion also seems to be useful even in small amounts because not only does it help mitigate with ranged damage but also helps mitigate AoE damage, meanwhile Dodge seems to be mostly useless because it needs to be so high to have a useful effect and can also be mitigated by just staying out of range or killing the Melee threat first... plus, you know, shields are a thing and they're super helpful. Finally I know for certain that I want to play around with Mechanical and Electrical Crafting because making my own incredibly powerful Pistols/SMGs sounds incredible and having shields as early as possible will be a godsend.

I'm still not entirely sure about all of this, and I could very easily swap out traps for Grenades for the sake of Molotovs and Flashbangs because I know Opportunist absolutely shitrocks stunned enemies. If any of the vets here can give me any advice at all I'd much appreciate it, I tend to be very indecisive when it comes to builds. ^^;

Mark The Red

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Re: First Time Player putting together a Pistol/SMG build on Easy
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2022, 07:34:53 pm »
Here is something from the top of my head, for guns only. You can have almost all options, good crafting, some chemistry for most of the good grenades, and good electronic grenades. Maybe reduce electronics for some more chemistry. For traps you only need bear traps to proc Opportunist, and for those you need 0 traps anyway. You can craft all kinds of bullets and grenades, and since pure gun feats are low in number, you can get a lot of utility stuff.

Edit, i have made a mistake, and i rectified it in the screenshot. All Grenades and Guns, with high mobility and evasion. You can spot everything and persuade anyone, open anything, and start combat on your own turns due to stealth. I did not follow correct feat order just showed all i would possibly take. Maybe sure step instead of Pack Rathound for the making Caltrops really shine.

Hope this helps.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2022, 08:41:58 pm by Mark The Red »


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Re: First Time Player putting together a Pistol/SMG build on Easy
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2022, 08:28:34 pm »
Your build is actually pretty good right now already. One thing is that you want some stealth to place traps more effectively before combat starts. Tailoring helps stealth about the same as (not super high Agility) stealth skill points invested since the components are very common and only use Tailoring skill (if placed on simple leather at least; Cave Hopper Leather boots and armor is good, you can get the cave hopper component from SGS's Agronomy level Quinton. "black cloth, soft foam and cave hopper leather", also boots need the really cheap boot frame(2x) from most merchant stock.

Strength 5 is sweet spot for pistol, shotgun, sniper in most cases. The shotguns that need Str-6 just eat a food-vendor's str-boost food and 20 mins of free-to-go.

I would try to have a stealth armor (for trap placement), and then consider switching to boots with a Boot-Spring(crafted with mechanics; tailoring too if leather instead of metal boot) to get shmoving in combats.

Your electronics is high so making use of making a cloaking device is a good idea to help trapping it up.

One final thing is that since you're going full-dex I think, make sure to put laser sight or scope(normal scope) on any of your guns(shotgun can't and won't need too badly iirc) since moderate PER(7) might make accuracy annoying against some kinds of enemies.