Author Topic: F3 Follow Player Camera  (Read 754 times)


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F3 Follow Player Camera
« on: February 15, 2022, 07:46:09 am »

I've been trying out the 'follow player camera' toggle in Experimental branch on Steam (normal branch is still for me) and been enjoying it immensely.  As per the changelog notes, I'm just sharing a pair of minor bugs (probably resulting from the same logic) I've discovered with it.

Firstly, right clicking and dragging pauses the 'follow player' behaviour with an automatic-panning behaviour as you'd expect, allowing you to line the cursor up with some far away character or transition and click it before letting it pan back to the player for the rest of the journey (rather than having to toggle off the follow player mode, scroll over and click, then toggle the mode back on each time you move to the next map).  But, if you release the right click button (causing the follow player mode to resume) and depress it again, the follow player behaviour doesn't pause as you might expect.  Instead, it aggressively pans the camera back to the player irrespective of your inputs and, after a delay, forcibly jumps your screen back. 

Secondly, once the auto-pan behaviour has begun, toggling the mode back off doesn't stop it.  It will keep auto-panning until it reaches the player irrespective of it's toggle status.  You can see it clearly if you move the camera far from the player, toggle the mode, untoggle the mode and then use the keyboard pan controls to resist the auto-pan until it jumps.

Anywhoo, neither are game-breaking and the feature is really cool.

Ideally, I'd actually love it if the player's manual inputs to the camera (or at least, the right click drag and keyboard panning controls) would pause the auto-pan behaviour for a brief period (somewhere between 0.5 to 3.0 seconds, maybe set with a slider over a range of 0.0 to 3.0 seconds).  This would allow me to pan to a far away destination and click on my location without having to carefully line up the cursor.  It would also allow me to naturally (quick flick of the wrist with right click depressed) pause the auto-pan when I get near a character and want to click on them.  Right now, if I've been drinking, I just have to wait until my character stops or else I keep missing the merchant (yes, I'm that guy that had trouble with clicking the fences, I'm sorry! I'm trying! ^_^).

But really, that's just me musing.  I'm grateful for the feature and enjoying it a lot. Hope the bug report helps.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 08:03:11 am by beyond.wudge »