Author Topic: Lvl15 Pistol need help on my build  (Read 1734 times)


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Lvl15 Pistol need help on my build
« on: February 17, 2022, 04:55:43 am »
Well hello guys I'm in need of some big help on my build, if we can call it that. I wanted to build a pistol with trap and some type of grenade aoe but this game just has alot of things that I don't know so I did alot of mistakes. In what way you guys think I should build up until 30, stats feats etc etc or any advice good advice. Im now starting the black sea and the game's turning very hard.

Here's my build

Thx for your time.


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Re: Lvl15 Pistol need help on my build
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2022, 07:32:33 am »
Looking through your build it seems a bit weird to me that you invested so much points in STR and melee. Are you using melee combat heavily? Because if you don't you should maybe drop putting points into that. Same goes for a few other skills where you invested like 10 points and then left it be.

But it's all salvagable. You should settle on a goal for your character and then dump all your points in the necessary stats.

For instance: You're using guns. New base ability points should go straight into PER, also keep Guns maxed out. Select feats that give you an advantage when fighting or that help covering your weak points.

Also traps/grenades make an excellent addition to a pistol build. Level that Chemical skill asap so you can craft better traps and grenades, a MK IV (chemical 69) or MK V (112) can be a real game changer, not to mention incendiary grenades. A Napalm or Magnesium grenade can torch a lot of stuff you'll be facing in Expedition and will definitely help you to handle any unwanted guests frequenting the expedition base camp.
For the other crafting skills: Mechanics seems like another obvious choice once you got your Chemical up far enough. Crafting your own firearms is definitely superior (though I don't know right now how much Mechanics you'd actually need for decent guns).

Overall: Try to identify how you usually play. What weapons/tactics do you use? Choose feats that add to this.

That's just my two cents, I hope it helps.


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Re: Lvl15 Pistol need help on my build
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2022, 09:43:53 am »
A lot of weird choices there but build should be salvagable on easy/normal. If you want to keep using pistols, on next level pick 1 point in Dex, take Bullet Time feat and start putting specialization points in there. You can also take Point Shot and all the critical chance feats you can find. Grenadier would also help you.

Alternatively, you have nice stats for using SMG or AR so you can move into them if that's your thing. AR with Commando feat and Concentrated Power is a beast. But you will have lots of useless feats if you go that route.

Stop investing in melee, Gun-Fu was a mistake. Use those skill points for throwing, stealth, crafting and mercantile.

You are only lvl 15, Black Sea should usually be accessed when you are 20-25. I typically go there after I'm done with University.


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Re: Lvl15 Pistol need help on my build
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2022, 01:44:23 am »
Yeah I messed up alot on my initial stats and well almost everything after that. xD
I think I will keep going with the pistol build and like feliix42 said going for chem for the extra power on the nades.
Now one thing I'm not sure is how my final dex stats should be because I don't know how much it influence my Ap per shot, as I understood there some sweet spots for final dex stats. Also it depends on the caliber of the gun I'm using, right? So some dex builds are better for certain caliber.
Also another question at what regards my armor, If I understood it correctly you wont have a better armor for everything you will have some sets better for some fights and some for others the thing that I dont quite understand is what type of armor should I wear. In my case I opted to use Riot armor without the shied because the 100% buffs to melee and bullets but with 30% Armor penalty I wonder if that's the right choice or the ideal type of armor that I should be using. Should I change for a armor with less Armor penalty or even go Leather?
Turbodevil I already left Black Sea I figure it I could lvl up in other zones before trying doing Black Sea. I didn't even go to the university yet, I only read about them on the expedition. I will try to do them later at lvl 20ish.

Thx for help!


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Re: Lvl15 Pistol need help on my build
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2022, 07:54:09 am »
Pistol builds should go for highest calliber. Maybe 9mm would be good enough for lower difficulties, I don't know, but best returns from your feats is with biggest baddest gun which is .44' Hammerrer.

Dex breakpoints for fully maxed Bullet Time on rapid .44' are 9, 12, 14, 17 and 20. You can aim to get to 12 or 14 (if using Dex boosting food all the time). But consider putting 2 points into agility instead. It will give you access to Sprint and Hit and Run feats. This in turn will make you mobile which should solve your armor question. Because why worry about armor too much when you can simply move behind an obstacle and receive 0 damage in incoming turn?

One thing to note is that pistols receive MASSIVE benefits from having 70 Temporal Manipulation, more so than other builds. Stasis, Psychotempral Contraction and Limited Temporal Increment are beasts. Check on wiki where to get these spells if you decide to go this route.