Author Topic: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank  (Read 1752 times)


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Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« on: February 17, 2022, 08:55:45 pm »
A rare component that can store psi mana at a rate of 1 per 7 quality rounded down (for example 20 at 140 quality). Instead of directly increasing the available psi at any given point (and subsequently the psi reserves because it's a multiplier of psi capacity) it stores psi like a battery that will be drained first when the player casts something, and it will regenerate when the player gets more psi than there is capacity for it (such as through natural regeneration or boosters).


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2022, 12:20:52 pm »
nice but its worse mufflers


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2022, 12:54:52 pm »
Mufflers are have a reduced multiplicative effect when combined with most other sources of psi reduction, plus it's less effective for cheap spells like Neural Overload. Plus even for expensive spells like Plasma Beam (70 psi) it's less effective at -25% psi reduction (approx 53 psi) than a 20 storage psi bank.


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2022, 10:12:32 pm »
25% is 25% no matter the spell cost (disregard rounding). If I spend 100 Psi points, I save 25 with mufflers. The bank would need to be huge to be viable as mufflers will save you resources, bank would not. Also what is the difference in bank compared to directly increasing your psi pool?


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2022, 11:22:14 pm »
The relatively small limit is I hope within the tendency of few methods of increasing your psi pool, the 2 most common ones increase it by about 40 in total (Philosophy and Meditation, the latter being mutually exclusive with Mania) and everything else increases it scarcely.
The difference between a bank and increasing it directly is that if it increases the psi pool directly it also increases the reserves, because the reserves are the psi pool multiplied. Plus it means your extra psi doesn't disappear into thin air because you took the headband off.


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2022, 11:58:03 am »
You say relatively small limit. That would make such item completely outclassed by mufflers.

Lets say you can choose 25 psi point bank vs 20% muffler.

If you have 100 psi point pool muffler is automatically superior choice as 100+25 bank has 125 psi points to spare and 100 psi pool with 20% muffler has 125 effective points to spare. But with muffler you only drain 100 from your reserve and continue to benefit much more over longer fights.

 Bank would need to offer at least tripple of what muffler does as same quality (even quadruple is not outlandish) so 20 as q5 up to 100 at q160.


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2022, 12:45:42 pm »
But then that would vastly overshadow the present means of increasing psi capacity.
It's also important to note that psi cost reduction has an essentially multiplier effect with psi storage. A spell that costs 20 psi with 100 psi capacity can be used 5 times (ignoring things like psi regeneration), but a 13 cost psi spell with 135 psi capacity can be used 10 times.


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2022, 02:22:24 pm »
I don’t see why you use this over mufflers


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2022, 03:30:10 pm »
That's the thing, you can use both it and mufflers.


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2022, 04:04:35 pm »
but why?You are tight on enhancement already, pure psion want want filters or amplifier, hybrid will just take expansion


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Re: Psi headband component idea - Psionic Bank
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2022, 04:12:52 pm »
That's the thing, you can use both it and mufflers.
Guess it’s slightly better for a melee TM hybrid. Still kinda meh though. With other melee hybrids and pure psi more damage would be better. For range you would be using goggles