Author Topic: High INT energy pistol build. Is my dex and per enough or will I have trouble?  (Read 2181 times)


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build/?HgMGCAUGAw_CoAAAAGTCjGc_RgBGPEgyMkgeAABGcwA3CCnCg8KaATlZWkvChShBJA5hw47CtCvCnSbfvg I'm not allowed to post the full link, but it's from the build planner.

Hello. I'm considering starting a run, and I want to do a dodgy, stealthy, fast, low armor penalty, shield, energy weapons build that can pass all speech and science checks and relies on High Technicalities for damage output. The Doctor feat is for dialogue primarily. I also want to do the Occulus questline. The TM and TC are just for support so I can fight TC enemies a bit better than my previous non psi sledge jugger build.

I noticed that on other energy weapon builds, people focus way more on DEX and PER, and I'm worried I won't get to shoot enough times or accurately enough as my DEX and PER scores are just enough for the relevant feats. Obviously, my planned INT is good for crafting and merch, but I'm also wondering whether it's a bit overkill, even for the High Technicalities damage.

Since this is intended to be a dialogue options playthrough primarily, which means I'm definitely not doing DOMINATING, I'm wondering how feasible this is for Normal or Hard, and whether I should invest into INT a bit less and more into PER/DEX. Is my stealth enough? I will be able to have very good sneaky gear, but I don't really know the scaling. I'm also anticipating problems with fighting shields so I'm wondering if I should get some throwing for EMP grenades as I will be able to craft some really really good ones. Alternatively, can I transfer some points from INT to WIL instead because I'd really want to do all the Will checks too, if possible, but I feel that's really pushing it.

Anything you would change for my build?


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I don't want to take apart your build bit by bit, so I'll just post a galaxybrain epistol build I made and would play if I were ever going to play epistols again.  Take any pointers from it you can.
*eurobeat intensifies*


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Gut feeling tells me that 6 dex and 6 per is too low.

Also, since energy pistols rely on crits, the Ambush feat is almost mandatory.

Regarding the balance of dex, per and int, I thought this build here found a nice balance:

Personally, I had theorycrafted a build that uses The Stunner, that has 11 per, 3 dex and around 15 int? I opted for psi build, because so much int will provide the maximum number of psi slots for the character. The character can innervate many of the control/utility skills, like PTC, Stasis, Force Field, Telekinetic Grounding, Electrokinetic Imprint, etc. All these psi skills for battlefield control, to compensate for the low shots per turn. Havent actually tested the build out though.

You should probably choose either Dex or Per and invest only into 1. If you choose Per (11 per should be enough), you will miss out on the Dex feats like Trigger Happy. If you choose Dex, you will have to get the Versatility feat (Dex does not provide bonuses to Guns skill, only melee), and you will lose out on feats like Aimed Shot and Point Shot, but your accuracy will eventually be around the same as the Per build, but with more shots per turn.