I REALLY wish I knew changing portraits during a playthrough is going to be nigh-impossible, because I would've downloaded the custom pack before I actually started playing for the first time.
It now INFURIATES me that I cannot change it - believe it or not I followed every step in this guide (I've used CE before though I'm no code wizard) - and I CANNOT find the hex value for my character's portrait next to its name. It probably doesn't help that I used the armored helmeted male portrat (mt_l.png and mt_s.png) which has a primitive two-character file name.
And yes I actually did convert a custom portrait's .png file to .xnb and put it in the game files, though I did not get far enough to test if it would work.
Is there SERIOUSLY no other way to change your character's portrait on an existing save file? I think I'm roughly halfway through the game so I've got days of gameplay left and I'd like to not be bothered by the unfitting portrait. Immersion is a huge deal-breaker for me.
Hey guy,
I made an account on this forum to tell you everything is easy. The user that provided the original guide, Reinhark, went WAYYYYYYYY into detail when he may not have needed to / the game was older then and maybe that was necessary? From what it seems like, he meant if you were literally in the middle of a run and didn't feel like closing the game and reopening.
At least thats what I'm assuming.
Anyway made the account to tell you that you CAN change your portrait at any point in the game on a saved file / character.
All you need to do is use XNBCLI
https://github.com/LeonBlade/xnbcli/releasesDownload and extract that. Next, navigate to where your specific portrait is. It is okay if you do not know the file name yet, Just so long as you remember your gender.
For example, My char is a girl, so her portrait was here : \steamapps\common\Underrail\data\portraits\female
For whichever gender you are locked to, go ahead and copy (NOT CUT, MAKE SURE TO BACK UP THESE FILES IN CASE YOU GOOF) all the files into the XNBCLI folder called "Packed"
Should then look like this :

Then, in the main XNBCLI folder, run the unpack.bat file.
This will unpack each XNB file you had in that folder previously.
You'll need to click through the images and see which one is your current icon to determine what its name was. At least, that's what I did. Its not too many so its easy to confirm.
Once you do so, delete the rest of the unpacked files as you won't need them for the rest of this. Or leave them there, I don't care, I'm not a cop.
You'll get something that looks like this:

Once isolated, you can now just import whatever image file you want and save it as whatever the files name was.png
If you have custom portraits already prepared, Great! If not, You can easily make whatever you want in paint.
Just open it up in there and set the pixels to 100x100 for the _l and 50x50 for the _s
Paint tut (right click and hit resize with these options filled in / unchecked) :

Finished work :

Simply save this 100x100 monstrosity as whatever your characters portrait was so for mine the file name now must be xpbl_pm_f_s.png and xpbl_pm_f_l.png
When you have finished this, and have made sure you made a backup of the original portraits somewhere, Go back to the XNBCLI main folder and click the pack.bat
This will pack the new png up into an XNB file.
Now just shove that xnb file which should have the original portraits name back into the steam underrail folder for the respective gender and restart your game.
When finished, Saved character or not, your new profile picture will be displayed.
Shown here on one of my saved characters :

Shoutouts to Reinhark as they did most of the legwork in figuring this out. I'm just bumping with the knowledge of changing it whenever.
GL and have fun, this game seems pretty good.