Bear in mind that all these glitches\bugs related to, next (after this) batch will be
Still no regen at 85% hp.
This pile has no name at all.
Newly spawned mutie in Old Junkyard drop as "remains", not usual "mobname body", maybe due technical limitations.
I can ask ambassador about Free Drones, also I see him for the first time.
Also I can do the same in Rail Crossing, not sure, but after Faceless quest, or even before that.
These two not bugs, but I don't want to spawn new topics, I hope you'll forgive me.
In Camp Hathor mine, after you drowned burrowers nest, water looks a bit ugly, because you can't see it all.
It would be cool if sometimes later on the very last stage of polishing it would be fixed.
Hoppers in that part of cave tend to create traffic jam, very annoying.