« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2019, 03:25:55 pm »
Version Added an option to manually move the barrier at the GMS entrance in case the guard dies
Bugs- Reinforced bison leather boots will now have an icon
- Stealing mushrooms from SGS will now be properly punished by death (the change will not affect the running play-throughs)
- Dirty Kick will now properly add its critical damage bonus when critical hit occurs; the critical damage bonus is fixed to 100%
- Fixed the bug that caused zone transition error when exiting a zone while a mine is exploding
- Fixed a few more new Core City models not appearing
- Fixed yet another reason why a certain early-game dungeon wasn't appearing
- [Expedition] Fixed the bug that would mess up the player vision when triggering a zone transition while using a spying endoscope
- [Expedition] Fixed Protectorate jet patrols and waterway outposts not turning hostile in certain instances
- [Expedition] Fixed Cruzer and Razor not being present when reporting a certain mission and/or the mission not being marked as completed
- [Expedition] Fixed Razor being present when he shouldn't be during a certain raid
- [Expedition] Fixed Aegis jet patrols retreating to the camp prematurely in a very specific case, which disrupts a certain mission
- [Expedition] Burning up the giant weaver web will now work properly (not just visually)
- Minor dialog and map fixes
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 03:36:28 pm by Styg »