Author Topic: Psi abilities - meditation method  (Read 1528 times)


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Psi abilities - meditation method
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:50:30 pm »
I'd love to have the option to activate the PSI abilities via the meditation method actually implemented into the game somehow.  It's suggested to be a method by the doc., and could be a viable play-option for people.  It could easily work as a quest or just a different way than "taking the pill" immediately upon being given the opportunity.  "It takes longer" could mean that you have to collect 10 mindshrooms and once you have the 10, go to a special cave somewhere, dose the shrooms, and then become "unlocked."  It would be really cool!  I definitely would forgo the ability to immediately be able to begin training psi abilities for a delay like this that simply adds flavor and depth and option.


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Re: Psi abilities - meditation method
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2016, 11:06:15 pm »
that's the same thing as the pill, just the herbal method. didn't the doctor mention something that it takes a long time. i got the impression it's a long process to unlock it through meditation and discipline and whatnot. this game takes a relatively short time and you spend most of it solving problems for people and killing things so you don't have time to meditate. :D

but unlocking it through mysterious pillars could be a viable alternative. :)


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Re: Psi abilities - meditation method
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2016, 12:21:12 am »
It would essentially be the same thing, just achieved differently and taking a little more time (to find the mindshrooms and then the cave in which to do them in) - it just would allow another option!  I think it'd be very cool, and would forgo the immediate ability to have psi powers for being able to do it this alternate method that for RP purposes could be fun.

Maybe they could do something more with it like reveal more lore about psi abilities/history to some degree to have a payoff for choosing the "longer method", but I'd be happy with no differences other than the time+choice in the matter.

I hate taking pills (well, I actually don't ever take any pills, personally), and find the "immediate gratification" method not to my liking.