Underrail > Bugs

Report spelling/grammar errors

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The email from Tanner welcoming me to the stations says "I welcome you into our folds". I think it should say I welcome you into our fold.

Also in the tool-tip for "Controlled Zones" the 3rd point says "If members of certain factions discovery traps or explosives planted by you...". Its should be "discover", not "discovery".

I'm getting pedantic now...but the tool-tip for "Burst" would sound better if it was changed from

"Rapidly fires five bullets at reduced precision. This attack also has chance to miss the primary target and hit other characters in the line of fire instead"


"Rapidly fires five bullets with reduced precision. This attack also has a chance to miss the primary target, possibly hitting other characters in the line of fire instead"

Stealth tool-tip.

"To successfully hide from someone they need to keep out of their sight for a while"

change to

"To successfully hide from someone you need to keep out of their sight for a while"

Jack Quicksilver in the Cantina...

"Haven't seen you are here before."

Change to

"Haven't seen you around here before."


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