Out of curiosity, what would it take for you to consider it a good difficulty? If not buffed enemies, more nerfs on the player's side then? Completely new AI for every single enemy type?
More active skill for humanoids (why no psy user but the South Gater can have LoC for instance ?), better skills (done right I'd say) better gears for humanoid, new ennemy types for non humanoid (that was done pretty right yes), and the most important : NEW BETTER IMPROVED IA.
There is no fun or point in throwing 20 something HP-bloated ennemies if the can still fall for a dumb chessy shit tactic like minefield of bear traps, or my fav' Wall of Force + 10-iq ennemies hording + Thermo Desta + Alpha Strike.
If one the most used """""""""""""""""""tactic"""""""""""""""""""" in DOMINATING (it seems) is to set a minefield of bear traps and throwing molotov on stuck ennemies, then you should realised that your new "difficulty" is just wrongly done.
And if you can't code a better IA because it's too difficult, then just stick to what I said : more active skills/better gear/better skills/more ennemy types, but let the excessive spam and HP bloat where they belong : in the bottom of a septic tank.
It's definitely the best handling of different difficulties that I've ever seen.
Styg's cum's definitely the best that I've ever swallowedCouldn't help myself, sorry.