Author Topic: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?  (Read 5593 times)


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Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2018, 02:54:54 pm »

Now that's something I haven't seen in a while! You can also use to plan your character builds, including feats. Comes with some handy options like showing skill bonuses from your house crafting benches and various items.

This is how your build would look like there:

Thanks, man. That looks like a cool tool there :D.

Oddities are only a small part of total XP on Classic. Trust me, Classic is faster by far.  Oddity is the main experience system and far better balanced, buuut if you don't like the idea of carefully looking around... you'll just have to suffer the horrible extra XP you get on Classic. :) You can easily hit the level cap too early on Classic but if you don't mind that, there's no downside to it.

Oddity looks really interesting. As you were saying, on Hard I managed to cap without even starting the Tchort Institute stuff, but when I checked my oddity list, I saw a half empty selection. Realistically, with me Oddity will add another layer of difficulty. If I play on Dominating, but get more xp than on Hard, then that is actually like a middle difficulty. Which sounds like where I need to be at :D. 3/8 Foundry plans... ect., ect.

Seems like it's changed quite a bit since I last looked at this thread. You've dropped Quick Tinkering and gone for stealth, which means your only way of setting traps is sneaking around and slowly planting them before combat starts - I thought this was not your thing. Taking Stealth isn't bad advice, more versatility never hurts. And sometimes you just want to avoid fights. But you could play without if you don't like it.

Honestly, it hasn't changed that much. My initial point for stealth came more from a role-playing perspective. After all, coming through the front door to count how many and where they are, while they shoot at you is fun :D. Still, I don't plan on making stealth a strong trait here. Stealth in this game works differently to, say, Guns, meaning that on top of you having to invest skill points in it, you also need to have actual skill to use it. Not a bad thing per se, just not that good with me :D. But if I can walk close to the edges and show my face around a corner without getting swarmed, plus putting some traps and gas granades here and there, than it looks godd. Just not a very UghMericaH thing.

After all, if it doesn't help, it can do almost no harm.

Doesn't look like you need more skillpoints, but I'm gonna blather about crafting skill requirements anyways. If you don't mind crafting late game gear at the workbenches in your house, you could take ~100 points off from crafting. Something like this: (check the crating bonus option)
- The absolute highest possible mechanics you could need for a super steel tin can is technically 167, but less than 160 is probably good enough.
- 135 electronics is enough to make any kind of energy shield with quality 130 parts. Should be enough.
- Around 100 tailoring is good enough for metal armor, but you might want to go up to 120-140 if you plan to craft a secondary stealthy set.
- The exact thresholds depend on how good components you can find. It's a luck/patience thing; Mercantile will help with that.
- Ignore this if you want to craft gear on the field. (Mostly for super high quality components you might find in Deep Caverns.)

Useful info. Especially for those that want to min/max. I think I will stay away from the house shenanigans. Less management and less of a money sink, too. Keeps it a bit more simple :D.

Take another look at Ambush and see if it interests you. 

You managed to nail it :D. It is the perfect choice. And it works in an interesting way. Thanks!

No need for 7 Int. Remember that after finishing main storyline quest in Core City, you can purchase workbenches in your house (hit the wiki for specific info) that will give you 15%  boost to specific crafting skill.

True that. It is the better choice from a min/maxing perspective. Being aware of that, though, I will keep the points as they are :D. I think I will completely pass on the house thing, too. Less management/money sink.

Very decent progression and selection. Though i would drop Gun Nut, unfortunately, it's not that good, certainly not as good to warrant 1 additional Int point investment.

Also, maybe switch Full Auto and Last Stand. With Thick Skull, Juggernaut and 10 Con you already have plenty of staying power for that level, but it will not help you without keeping up damage output.


The 1 point in Int comes mainly from having 130 Biology and 160 Mech. Mind you, I wouldn't want to get invested with a house. I know, it isn't the optimal choice, but it will mean less work for me. Gun Nut seems like the last available pick for a Spray and Pray type, too :D.

More or less yay)

Green Light given! Let's do it! :D
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 03:03:13 pm by HulkOSaurus »


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Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2018, 04:34:46 pm »
I think I will stay away from the house shenanigans. Less management and less of a money sink, too. Keeps it a bit more simple :D.
I'll just say that if you have both Mercantile and a couple Crafting skills, you will have infinite money by mid-game if you even *slightly* want to.  Not trying to talk you into becoming a real estate mogul, but the two real sinks in the game are aesthetics for the house, and super steel.  Functional upgrades for the house set you back maybe 5k charons. But making it pretty?  That's like 80k more.


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Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2018, 08:36:22 pm »
50 К - I bought everything, it cost ~50 K.
Well, after I completely equipped basement.


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Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2018, 02:34:55 pm »
So, I've been nerding away happily on my new char.

Thanks to all the expert advice of this thread he has become a real beast, sitting at level 24 right now. Leveling has been quite quick, too. The run clocks at about 40 hours for now--got most of my weekend dedicated to that :D.

I am surprised at how efficient the rifle bursts are. Dreadnaughts are one shot with a 120(ish) quality base Huszar, plus a smart module at about a 100. Muzzled, of course.

Other than the Magic Roach Island of Doom, the whole thing has been quite smooth. I should have just paid the man his money. I'll know for the future. Yesterday I was doing the lower level of the Lunatic Mall. Managed to do it twice, once without traps and once with. No real difference, my catch was just to stall their movement at the entrance of the shop so that I can happily spay and dance around the corner. Occasional grenades included. I reloaded the game after that and will fish for some Bullhead Pills today. Want to retry it a few times with those on.

Traps, Stealth and SMGs have been the lifeblood of the build in the early game. Mostly focused on hunting wild life--no Magic Roaches, thanks. The real spike came with Concentrated Fire and Commando. After that it's been spraying for the greater part and at any distance, too. It works! I can see how Calssic XP mode helped me a ton here. After clearing all the Burrowers and scorpion-spiders, the build was at 20. At that point I attempted Balor--first try, easy. Haven't progressed in the arena beyond Master Exploder(name?), but so far all of them have been two bursts each worth of bullets. I only wanted to unlock Ole's special store. Think I'll save Carnifex for when I have really good weapons and armour.

Managed to make myself a 4x Super-Tin and I like it. Tungsten striders, still, but that's only because I had a very good tungsten plate available--more phys resist than anything else around. I am melting moneys whenever I get 3k at a time. We'll see if RNJesus decides to reward me :D. I still think that 4x Tungsten is better for the wild life, though.

I took Pack Rathound instead of Gun Nut because I was dying with my carry weight. 240 minimum is what's prescribed for me in this game. After some deliberation the final pick of feats was Conditioning.

All in all--a very nice build :D. Thanks for the help!


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Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2018, 02:56:56 pm »
Other than the Magic Roach Island of Doom, the whole thing has been quite smooth. I should have just paid the man his money. I'll know for the future.
If you roll a Psi character, make sure you *don't* skip Magic Roach Island. Those carapace drops from the Goliaths are too good to pass up, and even though Psi-Cognitive Interruption is crazy painful on Dominating, it's still a fairly easy fight for a full Psi character, as long as you can get to level 8 or better before you take the boat.

One burst to kill Dreadnaughts?  That's impressive.


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Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2018, 03:29:46 pm »
Of course... I wouldn't go abouts gunning everything I see. I am just testing the build from time to time.


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Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2018, 01:35:33 am »
I reloaded the game after that and will fish for some Bullhead Pills today. Want to retry it a few times with those on.

True underrailer, welcome to a club.  :)


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Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2018, 12:59:16 pm »
Thanks :D.

Don't know if Bullhead pills help or not, to be honest. It's really down to the situation. At worst they just make them use Bilocation faster, which is pretty anti-player.