Author Topic: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds  (Read 214107 times)


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #75 on: December 06, 2019, 09:13:36 pm »
Nice guide, but I disagree on points spent on agi being a waste if you want to go the stealth route. Sure you can get decent stealth with just gear but it is already annoying just swapping between your detection goggles, balaclava and psi headbands. Adding to that armor and boots? No thanks. I rather go with 5 agi and permanently run around with ninja tabi and my sturdy psionic overcoat. Takes some points to get to around 100 stealth baseline but I rarely have to swap anything. Also constant armor swapping is extremely cheesy. Trigger Happy feat needs 6 dexterity which means you either have to sacrifice from int or from will meaning the points you get in from dex are already lost and going just 5 dex to shave off a few points in lockpicking which can be boosted enough with Jackknife, Huxkey and dex food imo. Mind you I am not saying it is a bad thing going 5 or 6 dex, just that I do not think that 5 dex is better than 5 agi. 6 dex is better than 6 agi on the merit that you cannot get Interloper. I saw that you think that Interloper is only good for melee but I disagree. It was very helpful on my PSI Sniper opening up with Snipe then move behind the corner and no Hit&Run is not as good because there is that annoying 5% to miss and sometimes you want to move a bit more than just one square but I digress.
I also think that you seriously underestimate TM as a school for damage. Especially early nothing destroys singled out bots harder than a few stacks of TD. Most importantly, despite sound feedback it is almost completely quiet and pairs well with Cryostasis. Tranq builds can easily go Premed-> wait two turns -> Crystasis -> 3 stacks TD -> 3 stacks TD -> kills most singled out enemies. Once you get Implosion you want to lead with Implosion but taking in Balor and his minions is not easy early on.


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #76 on: December 07, 2019, 05:18:05 am »
5 Agi doesn't make any sense. You free up another point and get Sprint. 4 or 5 in any stat is usually not a great choice - 5 Str being the most obvious exception, with 5 Int for Expose Weakness trailing slightly.  The reason I said Interloper isn't much use is that all it does is speed you up slightly in stealth - which you don't need if you're wearing tabis and Infused Hopper Leather since you're already zooming around - and gives you a few movement points; but with both Sprint and psi haste, you've already got tons of MP when you need them.  The real benefit of Interloper - the ability to spend less time very close to enemies where they detect you faster - is lost on ranged builds if they're played properly.

Your TM cycle also seems woefully suboptimal. For organics, you'd want to lead with TK Punch for the damage and stun, while also saving psi points compared to Cryostasis; after that, with a heavily damaged enemy, it's much more efficient to just use Cryokinesis or Pyrokinetic Stream for the kill.  For robots, Electrokinesis or later on the electro trap are much better than Cryostasis for the stun effect, and much more efficient if you can get two or more robots at once.  Then you can use your Premeditation on another stack of TD - why would you ever set up a cycle to just use 6 stacks? Even against Burrower Warriors, probably the toughest enemy you'll face pre-Depot, you don't want to use 6-stacks of TD - you're better off using an Electrokinesis stun and applying Pyrokinesis/Pyrokinetic Stream to get some extra DoT damage to tick on it while you're hunkered down behind a force field.

I assure you I don't underestimate TM as a damage outputting school =)  I lobbied to get it nerfed in fact back in Beta because it was so overwhelmingly powerful.  Play around a bit with Entropic Recurrence; even as it is now, it's a much better damage source than TD, even with Continuum Ripple (unless you're playing single-school TM, in which case, no; TD takes the cake).


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #77 on: December 07, 2019, 05:42:45 am »
What do I need Sprint for when I got PTC which is vastly superior? At most Sprint is nice to have for early levels until you get it but clever use of LoS and unstealthing around the corner before doing your opening does the trick easily. As to TK Punch it seems to be not as quiet as Cryostasis or TD. Best example for that is the experience I once had was with the guard patrolling outside the surveillance room in the Protectorate base where you have to bust Maura out. Using TK Punch has in fact drawn in his attention and made him come in. Neither TD nor Cryostasis have ever done that here. Ergo TK Punch makes more noise -> higher risk of alerting enemies. Though at least TD makes some noise as it has drawn in an opponent once. So yeah sure if I do not care about Noise opening up with TK Punch, or Implosion against super high HP targets, is of course superior. I am a huge silent killing fan and enjoy wiping out maps without ever alerting enemies a lot though that is of course not always possible.
Electrokinesis against single robots is woefully low damage. You need at least two robotical opponents for it to do good damage. Sure Imprint is better, once you get it. Too bad it is well hidden in a certain base and not that easy to get especially early. What then? TD is vastly superior against single robotic enemies. That Plasma Walker patrolling one of the rooms in Depot A? Trap in its path -> TD 6 times -> finished. Same with the lone sentry bot in front of the hatch in GSM base to the third floor. TD > Electrokinesis against singular robots every single time. Imprint has a CD and cannot be spammed. So you open up with 3*TD, or more if needed with Adrenaline and PTC, and let the bot run into it, next round load up some more, boom.

5 agi is perfectly fine. 6 Con for Fast Metabolism, 10 Int and 10 Wil is really all you need for Tranq build unless you want to go Blitz but that one is meh on pure PSI. Those two points are essentially free bees and affect your character only to a minor degree. Opting for more stealth is not a waste and it does make sense. I rather have maximized PSI and 10 Int than waste another point in agi just so I can Sprint which would replace another good feat like Paranoia for exmple.

Yeah but healing on dominating is a pain :D
Not at all.

First of all, if you're a psi crafter, you're going to have Biology because you'll need that for your gear.  That means you're going to have enough to make healing hypos and advanced hypos, at least.  Then all you need are a bunch of hearts, which are free, and a bunch of ampoules, which are cheap (in fact, you can just use the extra adrenaline glands you'll find to make a few adrenaline shots, and trade those in at the doctor when you're buying ampoules and flat beakers and syringes, and it should usually be a wash or even put a charon or two in your pocket) and you can heal right on up.

Secondly, once you've got Psionic Mania, you can just go back to Quinton if you're hurt, get him to heal you for free, then activate Psionic Mania a few times while you head back on out to wherever you want to go, to get your health back down into the ideal health window.

Finally, the game is just full of healing items even on DOMINATING.  Crates/lockers/boxes have them, vendors have them, enemies have them.  Between health hypos and bandages there's really a freakish lot of healing and if you're constantly running out, then it's because you're not yet playing well.  I say that as someone whose first thread on these forums was a request for more healing options, because I wasn't playing well and thought there weren't enough hypos =)

Just a minor mistake but the doctor's name is Pasquale. Quinton is the biologist which teaches you metathermic PSI.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2019, 08:14:38 am by Sykar »


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #78 on: January 08, 2020, 08:01:01 pm »
Since we've touched on SI, I guess it's appropriate for me to ask if you think Specialization in SI is worthwhile? Or is it a no brainer to pump the points into Psychosis itself? Locus of Control cooldown as well as Premed both look juicy too. There are so many routes to go with Spec points I feel somewhat overwhelmed as to what is optimal.
SI spec might be good.  The additional health buffer gives you room to make some mistakes - though I've read from some of the veteran players here that they were able to run most of the game at 1HP and just never get hit, I don't recommend that sort of zero-margin playstyle unless you just know you want to do it.  Again, the bonus crit will be something you sort of need to decide for yourself, but it doesn't impress me.
Could someone explain to me what does this exactly mean for SI specialization?
Increase the health threshold by 2% for each specialization point

Solved, it means that crit bonus now happens at 32% or less health and every point of specialization brings that up by 2% up to 40% max. Which is neat.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2020, 09:12:03 pm by xuvvy »


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2020, 02:55:31 pm »

I've followed the guide just to get a general direction, and I've invested points in all 4 Psi schools, lockpicking/hacking, and persuasion + mercantile. Will I ever be in a position to invest in one or two other non-combat skills from crafting/mechanics/mech/electronics/bio/chem etc? Maybe lockpicking/hacking are only useful up to a certain point for example.

Thanks! Linking to my stats below.


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #80 on: February 24, 2020, 08:20:29 pm »
I may not be the first one to tell this but: THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

You basically permitted me to enjoy the game, my first build was a suboptimal smg build I wasn't pleased with and I quickly abandon with the game altogether.

I was quite reluctant to use the psionic powers. But I actually enjoyed it A LOT thanks to your recommandation.

However, as many before me, I still do not agree with the statement that Tranquility surpasses SI Psychosis. I think it is quite the opposite. I was able to kill Naga protectors with one maniaed TK Proxyed punch when I was fully specialized in Force User, and was also able to wipe out rather easily full maps of ennemies (the savage ones) thanks to other AoE attacks including a maniaed tranced LoC Neural Overload.

I don't think you can do so with tranquility and some cooldowns would surely make thermodynamicity a bit underwhelming with the absence of criticals. However I do think it could be more fun to play because of course you could do more during each turn. I think that is the real point here?

Well, SI psychosis is still fun to play if you try not to use the force field + TD + TK punch cheese too often. Maybe it is inferior if you want to play with definitive death of course because of the lack of regenerative vest and the health requirement for Survival Instinct to actually work.

So here is my final build anyway :

It is not original AT ALL but I will explain it for the newcomers anyway, the thresold parts for crafting/lockpicking/hacking skills will most certainly answer the questions which had been posted just before my intervention :

The gist being to compensate the drawback of psychosis (being the very high psi consumption from both direct penalities associated to the feat and from the absence of muffler because I really wanted to enhance my criticals and damages on TK punch for the garantied one shot kill on very high health ennemies or on Neural Overload for the powerful late game AoE attack) with the AMAZING Hemopsychosis and Last Stand synergy. I didn't have to heal ONCE (well I had a few reloads and I used the Enter trick to engage combat during the Carniflex fight) passed lvl 16 thanks to that and never run out of psi thanks to it and one or two 2 ap (doctor's pouch is mandatory of course, but I tend to find it quite early in most cases) psi booster for the REALLY long fights. Hemopsychosis and Last Stand is NOT just for quality of life. It will raise your maximum damage output during the alpha strike AND the next few turns.

I did take Empowered PK but Empowered TC may be a good choice also because the TK punch does not really need it to work while Neural Overload would  greatly benefit from it. The 9 points in Force user specialization could be put elsewhere (for example in Future Orientation which is detrimental without it without Tranquility in my opinion and if you wish to sacrifice Pyromaniac which is not THAT great - eventhough it is mandatory for me being way to fun to miss out -) or even on Neural Overcloaking for a more balanced damage output repartition. Also, I put some points in chemistry for the sole purpose of beating the Foundry quest more rapidly with gas grenades (with house bonuses and a mere underpie). It may come in handy as well with mass neural overload shenanigans during some healthy end game genocide in expedition.

Crafting : With hypercerebrix, house bonuses and underpie you reach maximum theorical thresholds for the highest requirements
- tactical vest (128 mechanicals for psi crab/psi bettle + strudy vest + SS sheet + black overcoat.
- infused leather armor (156 tailoring), but you don't need as much for either Infused Hooper Leather Soft Padded (Black) Overcoat or your tactical vest (Sturdy Vest and Black overcoat), still making some great infused leather armor may be helpful from time to time.
- best theorical energy shield (186 electronics. They could be further enhanced with the Power Management feat were you to sacrifice Pyromaniac, Neural Overload for examples, but I'd rather not personally because psion have already a lot of way to defend itself with no shield at all anyway. High electronics is still important for the psionic headbands : you'ill need 135 electronics for the more advanced ones)
- And enough biology to craft hypercerebrix, trance with no bonuses, bullhead (and GAS GRENADE) with just an underpie and everything else which is relevant except regenerative mixture with house/hypercerebrix.

Those numbers were found on the great Destoyer's in-depth FAQ :

121 Hacking with an underpie and Lemurian Engineer suit is there to make a certain endgame area bearable. 110 persuasion with heartbreaker shoes and armor has the same purpose (eventhough it should NOT work in that VERY CASE, I mean... Come on, it does not make any sense). With hypercerebrix you pass the highest 'computer hacking' (no tools involved) in the game  (130, it is NOT mandatory, it just permits you to have some more lore, nothing else, it doesn't even permit you to change any ending slide, etc. I was wondering when I first read about this...) and also the highest 'chest opening hacking' check in the game (135, but it is not worth it at all so you may lower a bit hacking...)  with the right tool (and if you don't have it just use hypercerebrix)

130 lockpicking with an Eel Sandwich (easy to find, DO NOT be afraid of food management, it is NOT time consuming or tiresome at all, food merchants are many and easy to find), Lemurian engineer suit and best tool (which is easy to miss out, but without it you still get 125 which is enough for most checks anyway), and 100 is enough to steal some jetskis for a certain quest if you make certain choices...

105 effective mercantile with hypercerebrix and underpie, which permits you to have access to the best endgame shop for tactical vest parts (not essential at all but still nice), 95 is MANDATORY if you want to get good quality shield emitters and psionic headbands in a certain shop which is once again easy to lock.

On low TM investment: I think this school is mostly interesting for Tranquility build for it may have more psi consumption reductions and can keep activated Precognition all the time. I don't really know how to use Temporary Rewind. I think, with the exception of Temporal Distortion which is clearly underwhelming for a non Tranquility psion, those are the only abilities that do scale linearly with skill points. 160 base (180-190 with psi beetle caparace) points is enough to ALMOST maximize Entropic Recurrence (according to the wiki) which I do not need to use that much anyway. 70 invested points is mandatory if you want to get a certain abilities (which has VERY GOOD synergies with our current build, because it permits us to keep the double haste and hemopsychosis+last stand state for another turn and is easy to manage with LoC feat : i'm speaking about Stasis)

Another aspect which is great with PSI builds is that there is no faction you are required to work with in order to optimize your build. Well except maybe a certain well hidden organisation which won't prevent you to join any other one whatsoever anyway. I mean: sure Coretech will give you from time to time some cool googles and psi headbands components, but it is quite rare and you can find them elsewhere in most cases. They mostly will give you energy shield components but someone else does to... Sure the Praetorians and Protectorate can give you the good laminated fabric ballistic panel and sturdy vest but once again someone else does on a fairly regular pace too.

In fact in most of my runs, the only merchants I DO miss when I choose not to join their factions are Katya for some of her good medicinal components and Becket from the Free Drones for his unparalleled high qualities Black Clothes stock (But I really don't like the latter ones or their questline and I actually prefer to have to defend the expedition camp eventhough I like the pirates as well) . But you won't need neither being a pure psi.

Also I am quite hesitant on the ideal end game armor. For the boots, I do think either ninja tabi boots or infused pig leather striders whether you accept to sacrifice stealth or not (I sure don't!) are optimal. But I am not really convinced abouth the Sturdy Vest + Laminated panel/SS sheet + Psi Beetle Caparace + Black cloth choice. Sure it looks good but the psi abilities bonuses while not negligeable are not that important after some point in the game. It is quite cool being able to stall SMG bursts from the pirates but you're still dead if you don't take cover. And the psi consumption bonuses are meaningless with hemopsychosis and fully specialized Last Stand and Advanced Psi Empathy. I really tend to enjoy the Infused Hooper Soft Padded with black overcoat more for the few extra movements points, the quality of life of better stealth and the velocity of my character outside of combat. But it looks really bad so I still tend to keep the first one and switch to second one when needed. (For example in the dreaded Crimsom's Meadow Horticulure Center... It makes me uneasy just to remember what a calvary it was when I tried the brutal approach...) And finaly Psi Crab Caparace seems detrimental except maybe for jetski fights. But Sea Wyrm leather or CAU armor are far superior in that very case against snakes. And for sole look purposes (because it DOES count) had I not pick the Jack Quicksilver's portrait, I would pick either Phamton Dancer or Tchortist Robe (I do like the Tchortists for many reasons btw).

Well I did speak too much so :

TLDR  Stealth SI psychosis may be the most noob friendly build to play if you buy the psionic imprints from doctors and go visit a certain Ironhead camp early on. It is plenty of fun, gives you access to most content of the game and really DIFFICULT not to build well if you follow the nice advice from TheAwesomeGortsby right here.

PS Please excuse my bad english. It is not my mother tongue, but do not hesitate to point out any mistake by private messages if needed.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 09:06:26 am by Richter »


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2020, 08:17:57 am »
Will I ever be in a position to invest in one or two other non-combat skills from crafting/mechanics/mech/electronics/bio/chem etc? Maybe lockpicking/hacking are only useful up to a certain point for example.
Yep.  If you take a look at my suggested build growth links back on the first page, you'll see that you can start branching out fairly early.  By mid-game you'll probably have hit the maximum useful investment for hack/pick/persuade, so even if for some reason you choose to remain hyper-focused on those eight skills, by about level 10 you can stop investing in Persuasion, by about 12 in Mercantile, and by about 16 in Lockpicking and Hacking.  Personally, I'd branch out more and pick up some crafting, and only level up Lockpicking, Hacking, and Mercantile when you see a use for them.

The post following yours copies some info out of a very very useful (but very very spoiler-y) FAQ by destroyor, so feel free to scroll up a bit and see some useful skill thresholds, if you're worried about over-investing.

I may not be the first one to tell this but: THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

You basically permitted me to enjoy the game, my first build was a suboptimal smg build I wasn't pleased with and I quickly abandon with the game altogether.
However, as many before me, I still do not agree with the statement that Tranquility surpasses SI Psychosis. I think it is quite the opposite.
Glad to have been of help.  It's a really good game, so I'm glad you came back to it after bouncing off.  It's not the absolute easiest game to dive in, and it doesn't pretend to be, but as you found, there's a lot of worthwhile stuff once you get going.

Psi is strong enough that whether Tranq or Psych is "the best", either one is absolutely good enough to be considered top-tier if played well.  Sounds like you have Psychosis down pat.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 08:24:27 am by TheAverageGortsby »


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2020, 09:54:25 am »
Thanks for your reply - I'll start branching out soon then (am at level 6 now).

I went with the tranquility feat, the AP cost for the psychosis feat seemed to be pretty high to me.

And thanks for your guide :)


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #83 on: March 07, 2020, 07:41:14 am »
I keep seeing builds with low PER and no investment in traps skills all around, but whenever I play one I can't even get past Deport A, can anyone explain me the secret of trap detection/survival? Or does everyone just savescam and metagame?


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #84 on: March 07, 2020, 08:11:41 am »
Slow and cautious, if you've got low Perception and low trap detection. If it's really bothering you, then tailor yourself a suit of armor using Blast Cloth as soon as possible, but early on, even on DOMINATING, you'll be able to spy the traps before they kill you as long as you move carefully. If you aren't all done up in heavy metal armor and boots with high Con, then it pays to be cautious as you move through new areas.

If you're psi, you can always spam fireball to clear the way ahead of you, too.  Costs nothing but a few seconds to regen your psi pool.


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #85 on: March 07, 2020, 11:31:55 am »
Slow and cautious, if you've got low Perception and low trap detection. If it's really bothering you, then tailor yourself a suit of armor using Blast Cloth as soon as possible, but early on, even on DOMINATING, you'll be able to spy the traps before they kill you as long as you move carefully. If you aren't all done up in heavy metal armor and boots with high Con, then it pays to be cautious as you move through new areas.

If you're psi, you can always spam fireball to clear the way ahead of you, too.  Costs nothing but a few seconds to regen your psi pool.

I ran a test on low perception char on normal difficulty- u can't spot a mine next to u even if u stand facing it for over 5 minutes. Not to mention that if u detonate a mine, then the whole area of enemies will come after u. Even if u survive the explosion-  u r dead.


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #86 on: March 07, 2020, 11:52:12 am »
I ran a test on low perception char on normal difficulty- u can't spot a mine next to u even if u stand facing it for over 5 minutes. Not to mention that if u detonate a mine, then the whole area of enemies will come after u. Even if u survive the explosion-  u r dead.
Simply not true. Even on DOMINATING, a 3 Perception character with no Traps skill can spot mines everywhere with a good pair of goggles.  If you pick up the Paranoia feat it becomes even quicker, and in most places you then don't need goggles.  I like to play my psi characters with 5 Perception (it's where my extra points go, rather than more Con, once I've got the other stats I want) and Snooping so I can easily find secret areas.  Try it - try to free up two points for Perception.  It'll help with your trap detection frustration.

You do need to make a character that's good at surviving, but you don't need to metagame.  If you're getting blown up all the time, then that's good feedback on how your character design could use improvement.


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #87 on: March 07, 2020, 12:05:27 pm »
I ran a test on low perception char on normal difficulty- u can't spot a mine next to u even if u stand facing it for over 5 minutes. Not to mention that if u detonate a mine, then the whole area of enemies will come after u. Even if u survive the explosion-  u r dead.
Simply not true. Even on DOMINATING, a 3 Perception character with no Traps skill can spot mines everywhere with a good pair of goggles.  If you pick up the Paranoia feat it becomes even quicker, and in most places you then don't need goggles.  I like to play my psi characters with 5 Perception (it's where my extra points go, rather than more Con, once I've got the other stats I want) and Snooping so I can easily find secret areas.  Try it - try to free up two points for Perception.  It'll help with your trap detection frustration.

You do need to make a character that's good at surviving, but you don't need to metagame.  If you're getting blown up all the time, then that's good feedback on how your character design could use improvement.

Maybe my game is broken or there is a bug or something. Because even my low per 100+ effective trap skill chars won't always spot a trap. Also where to get that good goggles before deport a? Wont wearing goggles instead of a headband hurt psi character? Wont investing points into perception also hurt psi character? I will try to record a video for you. Is there any known bug, that may cause all my character to be unable to spot traps?


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #88 on: March 07, 2020, 01:59:44 pm »
Also where to get that good goggles before deport a? Wont wearing goggles instead of a headband hurt psi character? Wont investing points into perception also hurt psi character? I will try to record a video for you. Is there any known bug, that may cause all my character to be unable to spot traps?
You can certainly loot or buy some +1 Perception goggles very early on.  If you are capable of crafting goggles, then you can make some Motion Detecting goggles (which are the kind you want, for finding traps), or you can perhaps loot them off some of the NPCs - I don't recall with total clarity, but between the Lunatics, the Trappers/Lurkers, the GMS raiders, and the Eels, you can kill off a great many human NPCs and get their loot.  I know some of them wear goggles, and I think I've looted Motion Detecting goggles from that group.

Why would investing in Perception hurt a psi character? 10 Will, 10 Int, and 6 Con still leaves you two free stat points at character creation.  And I don't think I've ever worn a psi headband before Depot A; they're just not powerful enough with those low-level components to make a meaningful difference.  Early on, I wear whatever I can find that might help me, and usually that means a +1 Per goggles on my character's head.

I don't think there's a known issue with detecting traps, no.  It's just how you're playing.  If you know you're rolling with a very low Perception score, you need to make choices that will cover for that weakness; Paranoia, goggles, trap busting, or just a willingness to eat the pain.


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Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« Reply #89 on: April 30, 2020, 04:38:37 pm »
Thanks for the advice. I took you up on making intelligence 10 cause of all the crafting I need but I'm not sure about dumping the leftovers into CON. Psi makes you loose 25% of your health anyways and I need those points for DEX so I can unlock stuff. I also don't want to dump PER and AGI completely because it made navigating minefields a crap-shoot and made combat challenging with such a limited pool of action points.

I also want at least a little starting stealth so enemies don't see me immediately and it can be built on through cloaks.

Goals for this build:

- Ability to craft psi bands and psi tac vests that will carry you through the game (Open to divesting points to put into traps and pickpocket, don't need the best, just great)

- Be able to spot mines without tripping over them

- Make every speech check. Unlock, and hack everything

- Save psi points by using grenades

- Good stealth with a crafted cloaker.

I'm concerned about the lack of action points tho.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 04:48:10 pm by DunderFail »