Author Topic: Enemies 'stuck' when trying to perform actions they aren't capable of.[]  (Read 1035 times)


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There are two obvious examples of this I can provide, and one theoretical one.
These don't occur often, but they do usually occur during large fights which usually already take a long time due to all of the AI having to think and perform their actions.

I've seen enemies run out of ammo and repeatedly try shooting their weapon 10+ times in a row with an 'Out of Ammo' sprite popping up over them. They try firing for a long enough time for it to be annoying before they realize they should reload and end their turn.

The other issue is when an enemy is bodyblocked from pathing to wherever they are trying to move to, lets say from a crowd in a chokepoint or a forcefield, much like the issue with running out of ammo they will repeat their animation over and over, in this case the first frame or so of the moving animation before returning to standing and attempting to move again. This can take a long time before the AI fixes itself and decides to perform something it can actually do.

The theoretical situation is that I figure this is happening during combats with a lot of enemies out of player sight. When I'm in a situation with limited vision and a horde of enemies are trying to make their way toward me I encounter very long enemy turns before I'm free to act again, and I assume that a similar situation to the above is going on.

I'm currently using version 1.1.012 on GoG, so if this is an issue that has been fixed in .13/.14 sorry for taking up space on the forum.


  • Tchortist
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Yeah, I've seen both things happen quite often.


  • Scavenger
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One instance I can remember is when Gorsky's friend (Dave?) is helping you during the Beast battle. Dave emptied his pistol or whatever, and there was "Out of Ammo" many times before the turn ended.