Author Topic: Throwing knives need a huge buff (so do pistols but thats been discussed)  (Read 2419 times)


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As far as buffing throwing kives goes I see a few ways to do it

-Reduce base ap cost (bandaid solution that doesnt adress problem but is nice)

-increase base damdge

-have throwing knives operate on a different scaling rules that exponentially improves damadge with a high throwing skill

-give throwing knives a 20% crit chance

-give throwing knives a VERY high crit multiplayer ( 500 to 1000% high) and make them unaffected by critical power

-have throwing knife crits ignore armor entirely

An armor suit, learned feat, or belt that does theese things would also work

For all of the great feats they have both throwing knives and pistols have they sure seem to get the short end of the stick.


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Re: Throwing knives need a huge buff (so do pistols but thats been discussed)
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2019, 06:22:28 am »
Also why on earth is throwing unaffected by versatility


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Re: Throwing knives need a huge buff (so do pistols but thats been discussed)
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2019, 07:43:03 am »
All of the suggestion seems pretty OP. Better scaling and affected by Dex' Crit chance should be good enough imo. Maybe EMP knife to deal with robots (since there's EMP bolts, anyway), serrated throwing knife is also cool
Throwing gloves would be cool idea, which acts like Psi-band, improving throwing knife damage as well as throwing skill / crit chance / crit damage mod (for lore / game logic, it's a replica of ancient artifact known as P1P-BOY, an AI used to help aiming)
Feat-wise, I think throwing feat is good enough, the problem comes from low damage, which in turn makes fighting heavy armored guy a chore, since it can't even penetrate DT to makes use of poison proc (although ignoring mechanical DT/DR is absolutely OP)

Also, versatility affecting throwing skill would be OP, since it'll saves loads of throwing points, which essentially makes the skill redundant and makes any non-full-psi build has essentially super accurate throw.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2019, 07:47:09 am by cypherusuh »


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Re: Throwing knives need a huge buff (so do pistols but thats been discussed)
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2019, 05:55:57 pm »
-have throwing knives operate on a different scaling rules that exponentially improves damadge with a high throwing skill
Careful, now.  This is Styg we're talking about.  "But 0.97 is an exponent, guys"


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Re: Throwing knives need a huge buff (so do pistols but thats been discussed)
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2019, 07:20:46 pm »
They do seem a little weak but I've never tried a throwing knives build, curious what throwing knife players think of all this.


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Re: Throwing knives need a huge buff (so do pistols but thats been discussed)
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2019, 08:05:10 pm »
I've played with them a bit in throwing knives/knife builds.

throwing knives aren't design to be a main weapon as i understand it, they're mostly nice for applying poison and for finishing with the fatal throw feat.

They're ok with those two tasks, but that's pretty much it. Throwing not poisoned knives on full health ennemies is useless.

I think that if pinning had a much higher chance to proc they would have more uses.

Also the split spare cone could be larger.

Damage buff why not but i don't see a big change happening in that regard.

A big problem i had with them is that they use a pocket slot, and those are very limited, so you can't really benefit from the pannel of options that different poisons offer. With a few more slots you could have a much easier time to do some nasty poisoning combinations with both knives and caltrops and the hypertoxicity feat.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 08:09:53 pm by Ploluap »
I'm Potoldski on discord


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Re: Throwing knives need a huge buff (so do pistols but thats been discussed)
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2019, 06:27:08 pm »
With the sheer number of feats avalible to them throwing knives should be capable of much higher damadge in order to jsutify the investment


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Re: Throwing knives need a huge buff (so do pistols but thats been discussed)
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2019, 12:18:29 am »
I tried pure throwing today up to Depot A on hard-oddities. I'm surprised that it's actually quite decent. Although you have to use poison and many disable (net or pinning). I'll try checking on bladelings and Ironheads later.
From most of the throwing post on build forum, it seems that the end-game is most likely a combination of mines and grenade MKV w/ three pointer, which usually deletes most enemies, including last boss. Although poison proc is capable of dealing good enough damage, with long enough waiting time