Author Topic: Adding a "Sexbot assassin maid"  (Read 1037 times)


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Adding a "Sexbot assassin maid"
« on: June 16, 2020, 12:23:36 am »
Hear me out.

Its lonely in this game man. The game asks A LOT of time from you if you want to deal with combat in a comfy manner; hunting for materials to craft good gear, selling all your loot little by LITTLE BY LITTLE! IMO its filler that exists only to artificially lengthen the game, but hey, we aren't here to talk about facts. We are here to talk about sexbot maid assassins.

Now, why not just a sexbot? Why not just a maid? Why not JUST an assassin. Simple, cause each of those are individually boring. You know what underrail isn't? Boring. Ya. Also, there is actually a reason for this, let me explain.
A lot of people like this game for its potentially absurd difficulty, others like it for the atmosphere and world, others maybe for the heh gameplay. Different folks different strokes (looking at you purist absurdists). However, like I mentioned, shit gets lonely man. You have recurring NPC interactions but they really don't POP or feel too invested in the player, no real friends or companions. Dude is the closest thing I think the MC has to a friend, and even then he is pretty eh, and hey, you know what? That is A-okay, why? Simple. Its kind of how people actually are, friends aren't always best friends, sometimes; especially in a world like this. They are just civil and decent to each other and that is totally cool and fits the setting.

Like I said gets lonely man. Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY wants to have that favorite someone and to BE that persons favorite someone, we just do man, its called intimacy man. Now, im not saying you can't find that intimacy all normal like down in the underrail world. HOWEVER! You start building these relationships and needing to have options for the player like man woman or tchort and well, you get all this extra work as a dev man. You know whats great? Having many options and paths rolled into one neat solution. Robots! They can be built, they can be modified, customized, etc. You can put all those options into one solution. Why a sex bot and not just a robot? Simple man, it gets lonely...real lonely, fucking a sentry turret, or even a toaster isn't much of an option (unless you are some sick martian). It just makes sense to make the intimate robot companion a sexbot, it would fit with why you are its favorite person as well as why it would be intimate with you, also the old world totally had sex bots, lets be real.

Alright, so we know why it has to be a sexbot; intimacy + robot. Now, why an assassin? Well for combat of course! Oh, and also character, but mostly combat. In a corprate dominated worldscape with espionage abound, would sexbot assassins not be perfect for killing high up rivals discreetly? The answer is yes, it would be perfect.

Right, so sexbot, check, assassin, check, why the maid? This one is two fold...threefold, however many folds it takes for a towel.
First off, character; juxtaposing the assassin with the maid persona would add some natural comedy due to the polarizing nature. But don't take it from me, im not a character writer or anything (or am I? I'm not) but what if I were? I'm not, but maybe...I might. Point is its funny but also adds layers, onions like layers.
Right, so what about that other fold. Yes, well, this one is mainly for the whack-I mean people who love the insane difficulty and punishing elements. Picture this, you find a sexbot, it is...something, lets pretend its blank. You can build it from the ground up to love you or hate you, doesn't matter, you use it for combat...OR you use at all, nothing at all, at all, all, all.

Ya. The main idea is you get a personalized companion that makes sense no matter how you want to handle it. If you want it to hate you, have it hate you, if you want it to love you have it love you, if you want it to be a combat pet, slap a leash on it. Most importantly if you don't want it cramping your difficulty, leave it at home and let it be a maid.
MOST IMPORTANTLY if you don't want to fuck with it AT ALL.
Just leave it in the trash heap and move on. But gets lonely man, and a super sonic flesh light that kills people would be pretty tight.