The long overdue update is finally ready. Also, in other news the game got greenlit for Steam distribution!

Okay let's cover the update first. It's currently up on Desura and GamersGate (soon to be available on Groupees website as well). Here's the list of what I've done since the last dev log, also be sure to also check out the previous three dev logs for other stuff that's new in this version.
- Added TNT explosive charge that can be used to clear rocks. Many passages still don't lead anywhere even if you clear them just so you know though
- Did bunch of AI work, enemies can now do the following
- Use more special attacks: kneecap shot, pummel, crippling strike, execute, heavy punch, dirty kick
- Use "yell" special ability
- Use more drugs: adrenaline, morphine
- Throw grenades: frag, HE and flashbang
- Use more special bolts: acid, shock, incendiary
- Use offensive and utility psi abilities
- Kite their target (like psi beetles do)
Here's a summary of what I focused on in this update: I've added a bunch of areas to Lower Underrail (the place where the SGS metro station is). These are just "wilderness" areas right now so there are any new quests, but monsters to fight, traps to step, loot to collect and that sort of stuff. I also add a number of items and blueprints (gloves, riot armor) which should give you more options in building your character, as well as improved the arsenal and the AI of the existing enemies.
In the next couple of weeks I'll mostly focus on Steam integration and fixing some technical issues with the game before I move back to building content.
* * * * * *
Which brings us to other topic of this dev log. So the game has finally been greenlit. It's been up there just two days short of a whole year which is longer than I've hoped, but shorter than I feared. I want to send out a sincere thank you to everyone who voted for the game and helped spread the word. With the Steam distribution secured, the future of the game is looking brighter than ever.

Anyway, to answer the questions that a lot of you have been asking me:
- I am aiming to release the game for Early Access on Steam. When exactly - I don't know. It depends on how long it will take me to integrate it and what the rest of release process is like. What I can say for sure is that this will be my priority in the coming weeks.
- If you've purchased the game through Desura I would very much like to give you a Steam key as well, but I'm not 100% sure what the rule on this are and I'll have to consult both distributors involved before I can commit to anything. Please be patient and I'll let you guys know as soon as possible. Same goes for those that purchased the game through the Groupees bundle.